

Ottawa depression;
渥洼 双语例句

1. 东有唐寿昌城及出天马的汉渥洼池故址。
    City and east of Pegasustang shou chang Han Chi Wagu zhi Ottawa.

2. 同时,著名的旅游胜地——阳关、玉门关、渥洼池、寿昌城等名胜古迹座落于本乡境内。
    At the same time, the famous tourist destination - Yang Guan, Pass, Ottawa depression pool, Shouchang City Hongo is located in the territory of historical sites.

3. 月牙泉处于鸣沙山环抱之中,其形酷似一弯新月而得名。古称沙井,又名药泉,一度讹传渥洼池,清代正名月牙泉。
    Crescent Moon Spring is surrounded byming sha shan, and its crescent-shaped very similar toyi wan name. gu cheng manholes, also known as Stephen drugs, depression was circulating around town Ottawa pool, Crescent Moon Spring in the Qing Dynasty name.
