1. 渔家是什么意思
1. 导读:有个渔家妇人,从来没见过镜子,每次梳头洗脸的时候,都是往水中照一照就行了。
Have a fishing home woman, had never seen a mirror, every time when do up one's hair washs a face, it is illuminate in past water went.
2. 到后来,渔家开始对外经营饮食店,衍生出在店內建置一口很大的方形敞口火炉,下方置沙及炭火,在火炉上烧烤饭菜,称之为炉端烧。
This is an unique culture of Hokkaido. Later on, the fisherman begins to start their business of operating restaurants, and now improved to Robata Yaki.
3. 渔家的翻译
3. 我们是住在渔家的,每天都可以吃到新鲜的海鲜。
We are living in Yujia the day, can eat fresh seafood.
4. 渔家
4. 渊源对这儿的渔家生活的兴趣也更大了。
Yuanyuan became more interested in the fishermen's way of life.
5. 渔家的解释
5. 渊源对这儿的渔家生活的兴趣也更大了。
In the fishermen`s way of life.
6. 于是,他辞去了官职,重新过起捕鱼为生的渔家生活。
Then he quitted the official position and restarted a fisherman`s family life.
7. danci.911cha.com
7. 我们回渔家乐的时候,已经是晚上了,我们吃了晚饭,又在床上睡了一个好觉。
On our return to music when fishing family, is already the evening, we ate dinner and slept in his bed, a good sleep.
8. 渔家
8. 虽然他们远离了海边渔家的生活方式,但是童年的记忆已经在他们的生命中留下了深深的烙印。
Although they have chosen a lifestyle completely different from that of a fishing family, the memory of childhood still gives them deep impression.
9. 活动当天将到长鹿山庄放风筝、观看渔家撒网捕鱼,农家三绝令你大开眼界、乡间小溪捉鱼带你重温儿时的乐趣、自助BBQ让大家各出奇招烧出美味食物。
On that day, in the Changlu Farm, You could fly kites, watch the fisher men catch fish with net, poultry competition (pig racing, piggle diving and cock fighting) which broaden your vision. You could catch fish in the brook, bringing you back the funny childhood memory.
10. 渔家
10. 大面积的浅海滩涂,盛产海蛎子、蛤、海螺、蟹等海产品,非常适合发展以赶海、渔家乐为主题的休闲旅游。
The neuritis beach abound in seafood, such as sea clam, trumpet shell and crab...etc. It is very suitable for the sea tour development like joining in the fishing as a topic of recreational travel.
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11. 民俗风情方面,可以领略从临海渔民的渔家风情到都市市民文化的过渡,有机会欣赏海南特有的琼剧艺术。
Customs, can appreciate the fishermen from Linhai city Yujia style to the public culture of transition, the opportunity to enjoy some of Hainan Te Qiongju art.
12. 第二天晚上他们要去参加一个化装舞会,娜拉届时将装扮成一个那不勒斯的渔家女,表演塔兰台拉舞。
The following evening they were to attend a fancy dress Ball, and Nora was to go as a Neapolitan fisher girl and dance the tarantella.
13. 总面积2.3平方公里,有江南风景、名贵花卉、热带雨林、休闲垂钩、果园品尝、采摘体验,珍禽动物、娱乐餐馆等10介景区,鸡、兔、羊、鹿等特色养植场,开发出个崂山樱桃、崂山茶、渔家宴、农家宴、农家宾馆,既有田园风光、鸟语花香、山乡特色,又有海边垂钓、捕捞嬉戏、海滨美景。
It has 10 scenic spots featuring southern-style scenery, rare grass and flowers, tropical rain forests, angling, fruit picking and tasting, rare birds and animals, restaurants and other entertainment rabbits, sheep and deer.
14. danci.911cha.com
14. 大奏鼓的表演是由七至十几个渔家汉子男扮女妆,身穿类似戏曲中的媒婆服饰,
Statistics, analysis and follow-up of the supplier`s performance regularly
15. 渔家
15. 大奏鼓的表演是由七至十几个渔家汉子男扮女妆,身穿类似戏曲中的媒婆服饰,
In the performance, seven to a dozen fishermen dressed up like women by putting on a woman match-maker`s apparel
16. 渔家的翻译
16. 在白露横江,水光接天处,却听得桨声一响,回忆起初次相会的那一刻,钟灵毓秀的渔家女孩,好似昙花之一现。
In Hengjiang Bailu, then Shuiguang days, but Jiang Sheng heard aring, recalled the first time meet the moment, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau of the girls fishing, as if one of the Epiphyllum now.
17. 渔家的反义词
17. 芦荡深处有一个孤岛,岛东面的坡地上有几户渔家的茅庐,几户渔家过着世外桃源的生活与外界绝有往来。
In the heart of the marshes, there happened to exist a lonely island, on the slope land of which stood a couple of huts for the fishermen.
18. 它做为荣成当地民族文化、海洋渔业文化的一部分,与渔民原始的劳动、渔家风俗和当地方言特点分不开,有其自身独特的意义。
As part of the local culture and fishing civilization in Rongcheng, fisherman chantey was born in the work of people, local customs and dialects and these features bestowed it with unique style and significance.
19. 新年第一天开船捕鱼,渔家在船头放鞭炮、烧香。
New Year's first day of the sail fishing, fisherman in the bow of the ship setting off firecrackers, burning incense.
20. 911查询·英语单词
20. 日照的渔家乐旅游发展起步较晚,基本上在我国乡村旅游的全面发展阶段才开始进入旅游者视野。
The development of the Fishing Village Tourism started up a little later in Rizhao which entered in tourists mind in the full development stage of the rural tourism in China.