

The fishing season;
渔季 网络解释

1. 渔季

1. open fishing seasons:open fire;开火;; | open fishing seasons;渔季;; | open for accession;开放供加入;;

渔季 双语例句

1. 新渔季开始后的价格动态尚未有明显的迹象。
    There is still no indication of trends for prices for the new season.

2. 本渔季鲱鱼的市场价格有明显的下降。
    There has been a considerable drip in herring prices this season.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 在楚旺港,盛大的社戏意味着新的渔季开始
    In Chuwang harbour, the start of a new fishing season provides the excuse for a massive party.

4. 渔季的反义词

4. 在挪威,新一轮渔季的价格协商将要开始,俄罗斯联邦和乌克兰已开始对鲱鱼表示兴趣。
    In Norway, price negotiations for the new season will take place soon.

5. 实际上,在所有的渔季堙A2001年的渔获量都低於2000年的水平。
    Practically, during all fishing weeks, the catches were substantially lower than the 2000 catch levels.

6. 渔季的近义词

6. 头足类:摩洛哥的新渔季於5月1日开始,新的价格要待6月15日才能确定。
    CEPHALOPODS: The new fishing season for octopus in Morocco started on 1 May 2002 and new prices should be fixed on 15 June.

7. 渔季

7. 这一海域的水产产量占全国产量的20%,产值上亿元。而今,一年当中最大的渔季却在刚刚开始时戛然而止。
    A billion-dollar business, and 20% of the nation's seafood, is now on permanent hold, right at the start of the largest season.

8. 渔季的近义词

8. 这个渔季开网大吉。
    The fishing season began most auspiciously.
