



词典fish in troubled water混水摸鱼;趁火打劫。

混水摸鱼 汉英大词典

混水摸鱼[hún shuǐ mō yú]

见 “浑水摸鱼”。

混水摸鱼 网络解释

1. muddling the water to catch the fish; fishing in troubled waters:釜底抽薪extracting the firewood from under th... | 混水摸鱼muddling the water to catch the fish; fishing in troubled waters | 金蝉脱壳slipping away by casting off a cloak; getting away like the cicada ...

2. to fish in troubled waters:欲加之罪,何患無辭 Give a dog a bad/an ill name and hang him. | 混水摸魚 to fish in troubled waters | 貪小失大 penny-wise and poundfoolish

3. Fish in troubled water:婚纱摄影wedding photo | 混水摸鱼fish in troubled water | 婚外恋extramarital love affair

4. fish in troubled waters:writ large 用鲜明字体写出的 显而易见的, 容易识别的 | fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼 | aerogenically 产气地(细菌因新陈代谢产生的气体)

混水摸鱼 双语例句

1. 他们所要做的就是挑拨离间,混水摸鱼
    Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters.

2. 一个高尚的人是不会混水摸鱼的。
    A man of good character will not fish in troubled water.

3. 提防那些混水摸鱼的人。
    Beware of those who fish in troubled waters.

4. 他在混水摸鱼
    He was fishing in troubled waters.

5. 小心那些混水摸鱼的人
    Beware of those who fish in trouble waters.

6. 韦小宝大喜,忙答应了,心想海老公要自己偷《四十二章经》,说了大半年,到底是怎么样的经书,连影子的边儿也没见过,这次是奉圣旨取经,自然手到拿来,最好鳌拜家里共有三部,混水摸鱼的吞没一部,拿了去给海老公,好让他大大的高兴一场。
    Trinket was delighted at this and immediately assented.

7. 混水摸鱼

7. 如果泄露了风声,价格就会上涨,就会有人混水摸鱼,运作中就要付出更高的代价。
    If word gets out, the price will rise and the exercise becomes more costly as others piggyback.

8. 你喜欢趁机混水摸鱼
    You delight to fish in troubled waters.

9. 他们喜欢混水摸鱼
    They love to fish in troubled waters.

10. 他们所要做的就是挑拨离间,混水摸鱼
    All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters.

11. 趁火打劫(混水摸鱼)。
      Fish in troubled waters.

12. 显然他们意图混水摸鱼
      They were clearly seeking to fish in troubled waters.

13. 设计是明确沟通,不是混水摸鱼
      Design is clearly communicated, not to fish in troubled waters.

14. 周末这天,19位身着婚纱的姑娘走在熙攘的伦敦街头,不过,其中也不乏几位男士混水摸鱼
      This weekend, 19 dressed in marriage gauze girl walked in a bustling streets of London, but some several men to fish in troubled waters.

15. 显然他们意图混水摸鱼。这样水就被搅浑了,没法再看到那条鱼。
      They were clearly seeking to fish in troubled waters. In his excitement he fell in, wetting himself to the waist.

16. 美国一直在谴责伊朗在伊拉克问题上混水摸鱼,但德黑兰否认这一指控。
      U. S. has always accused Iran of " fishing in the troubled water " in Iraq, but Tehran denied such a charge.

17. 在股票行情看跌期间,许多投机商混水摸鱼,从中获利。
      Many speculator mad money during the decline of the stock market by fishing in troubled waters.

18. 混水摸鱼

18. 因此,周六上班的纪律监督与服务质量依然不能松懈,不能让美其名曰“周六加班”成了“混水摸鱼”的幌子。
      Therefore, the supervision on the discipline and service should not be any looser on Saturday.

19. 在股票市场价格下跌时,一些人混水摸鱼,赚了大钱。
      During the decline of the stock market, some people fished in troubled waters and made big money.

20. 混水摸鱼在一片混乱中攫取好处通过饮用来攫取营养品的人。
      To try to take advantage of a confused situation. a person who takes nourishment by drinking.
