

深入人心[shēn rù rén xīn]


词典win support among the people深入人心。


词典be deeply rooted among the people [in the hearts of the people]


词典find one's way ever deeper into the hearts of the people深入人心。

词典go [penetrate] deep [deeply] into the hearts of the people [into the people's mind]

深入人心 汉英大词典

深入人心[shēn rù rén xīn]


win support among the people; be deeply rooted among the people [in the hearts of the people]; find one's way ever deeper into the hearts of the people; go [penetrate] deep [deeply] into the hearts of the people [into the people's mind]; have permeated peo

深入人心 网络解释

1. 深入人心

1. enjoy popular support:政通人和 The government functions well and the people live in harmony. | 深入人心 enjoy popular support | 名副其实 be true to one's name

2. 深入人心的近义词

2. Be deeply rooted among the people:任何事物都有利有弊 No garden without weeds. | 深入人心 Be deeply rooted among the people. | 事难两全其美You cannot have your cake and eat it.

3. interiorize:interiorinsidepart,sectioninternalInsideinteriorityintra 内部 | interiorize 深入人心 | interiorly 在国内

4. 深入人心是什么意思

4. sth take root in the heart of the people:suffer from a controlling habit无法摆脱某种习惯 | sth take root in the heart of the people深入人心 | off and on 断断续续地,间歇地,有时
