

淡而无味[dàn ér wú wèi]

词典tasteless and insipid淡而无味。

词典be weak and tasteless淡而无味。


词典ordinary and uninteresting thing淡而无味。



淡而无味 汉英大词典

淡而无味[dàn ér wú wèi]


tasteless and insipid; be weak and tasteless; ordinary and uninteresting thing; wateriness

淡而无味 双语例句

1. 最值得注意的是第3项试验,这一次,摆在自愿者面前的是营养价值很高,但淡而无味的糊状物。
    Most telling was a third variation of the experiment, in which both the Swedes and the Thais were given food that was high in nutrients but consisted of a sticky, savorless paste.

2. 红尘里也总是看着别人表演,听着别人的故事作画,这样似乎显得淡而无味
    Red Dust Lane was always watching other people performing, listening to other people's stories of his paintings that seem insipid.

3. 淡而无味在线翻译

3. 你,就是我生命的盐,少了你,生活会淡而无味
    You are the salt of my life, alas, you, life would be insipid.

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4. 与他年轻时的作品相比,他的新作淡而无味
    His new book is milk and water compared to what he wrote when he was young.

5. 淡而无味的翻译

5. 说实话,我宁可吃淡而无味的食物。
    Frankly, I`d rather eat bland food.

6. 我的生活就像一碗燕麦粥。淡而无味
    My life is like a lifeless boat in a lifeless sea.

7. :香草味的是最让人乏味的,它是如此的淡而无味
    Ike: Vanilla has got to be the most boring flavor ever - it's so bland!

8. 没有爱情的生活像白开水一样是淡而无味的。
    Life without love like as the boiled water is very wersh.

9. 闪亮的泡沫已经化为乌有,这是淡而无味的酒。
    The sparkle and bubble has gone out and it is a tasteless drink.

10. 我在想不知道我们饮食的这种淡而无味的状况,是不是造成我们之中这么多人过于肥胖的原因,有的甚至胖到了危险的程度
    I wonder if this blandness of our diet doesn`t explain why so many of us are overweight and even dangerously so.

11. 淡而无味在线翻译

11. 我在想我们饮食的这种淡而无味的状况是不是造成我们之中这么多人过于肥胖,甚至胖到了危险程度的原因。
      I wonder if this blandness of our diet doesn't explain why so many of us are overweight and even dangerously so.

12. 令人作呕的,淡而无味
      Sickening or insipid in taste.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 不,没有任何语言,能够表现出他的整个内心与外表所蕴藏的柔情;经我重述,变得淡而无味了。
      His alarm lest I should misconceive his position with regard to his mistress, or question the propriety of her conduct, touched me particularly.

14. 任何快乐与快乐的泉源相比,都会变得淡而无味
      Every pleasure will seem dry compared to the Fountain of delight.

15. 他们坚持要比淡而无味的英国货味道更好的巧克力。
      They insist on tastier chocolate than the anaemic British stuff.

16. 淡而无味的解释

16. 这东西成年人可能觉得淡而无味,不对胃口。
      It may seem insipid and flavourless to an adult's tastes.

17. 否则,经过摘录的书犹如经过蒸馏的水,变得淡而无味了。蒸馏生煤得到的焦油,继续蒸馏能得到各种芳香族化合物。
      Else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things. a tar formed from distillation of bituminous coal; coal tar can be further distilled to give various aromatic compounds.

18. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

18. 当一段感情已成过去了,那个男人只会似一锅淡而无味的隔夜稀粥,懵懵的女人才会省悟。
      When section of sentiments have become, that man only can resemble a pot insipidly overnight the thin rice gruel, the ignorant woman only then can realize.

19. 这吃起来淡而无味,像加热过的纸板。
      It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.

20. 淡而无味的翻译

20. 为了使这淡而无味的东西更有味道,当地人开始加些土特产调味。
      To make the bland taste more interesting, the locals began perking it up with local produce
