

淘换[táo huan]





词典look for寻找(某人或某物);<口>找(麻烦);找(苦头)吃;希望得到。

淘换 汉英大词典

淘换[táo huan]

find; look for; seek

淘换 双语例句

1. 以供会员在上面淘换自己所喜欢的物件,请选择正规的交易方式。
    For the members in the above Amoy for your favorite objects, select the regular way to trade

2. 淘换自己并不需要的廉价二手衬衣。
    She is wasting her time trawling for cheap second-hand shirts that she does not need

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 精明的交易商通常在马斯特里赫特展出他们淘换的物品。
    Maastricht is the sort of fair where clever dealers bring their discoveries.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 至于那位记者(或许你已猜出来,那就是我),在应该写专栏的时候,她却在浪费时间,淘换自己并不需要的廉价二手衬衣。
    What interests me is not just the endless weakness of human nature but how technology now allows these foibles to be indulged at work.

5. 至于那位记者(或许你已猜出来,那就是我),在应该写专栏的时候,她却在浪费时间,淘换自己并不需要的廉价二手衬衣。
    As for the journalist (whom you might have correctly identified as me), she is wasting her time trawling for cheap second-hand shirts that she does not need, when she should be writing columns instead.

6. 没了回家的方向、也没人认识像个流浪汉高傲的王子,和所有那些漂亮的人们他们都喝着酒,琢磨着怎么能淘换到更值钱的玩意儿但是你呢,你得把你的钻戒举起来,把它当了人都有倒霉的时候,看着戏里走背字儿的拿破仑你不是曾经还挺得意吗?现在轮到你了,拿破仑在招呼你了,你无路可退了当你一无所有的时候,你不用担心会失去什么了现在你已经透明了,已经没啥可隐瞒的了孤身一人的滋味你觉得怎么样?没了回家的方向、也没人认识像个流浪汉。
    Chorus oh, you never turned around to see the frowns on the jumpers and the clowns when they did their tricks for you you never understood that it ain't no good you shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you you used to ride on your chrome horse with your diplomat who carried on his shoulder a siamese cat ain't it hard when you discovered that he really wasn't where it's at after he took from you everything he could steal princess on a steeple and all the pretty people they're all drinking, thinking that they've got it made exchanging all precious gifts you better take your diamond ring, you better pawn it babe you used to be so amused at napoleon in rags and the language that he used go to him he calls you, you can't refuse when you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to loose you're invisible now, you've got not secret to conceal Like A Rolling Stone

7. 这里的家具多是堆在院落中央,远远望去很像是村里的柴垛,收藏者在这里可以真正找到那种“淘换”的感觉。
    Kept simply in the courtyard, these crude antiques look just like bunches of bavin, ready for collectors to " sort out ".

8. 这里的家具多是堆在院落中央,远远望去很像是村里的柴垛,收藏者在这里可以真正找到那种“淘换”的感觉。
    Kept simply in the courtyard, these crude antiques look just like bunches of bavin, ready for collectors to " sort out ".
