



海汊 双语例句

1. 海汊的解释

1. 15:2 他们的南界是从盐海的尽边,就是从朝南的海汊
    And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward

2. 海汊的翻译

2. 北界、是从约但河口的海汊
    The northern boundary started from the bay of the sea at the mouth of the Jordan

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 他们的南界是从盐海的尽边,就是从朝南的海汊
    Their southern boundary started from the bay at the southern end of the Salt Sea

4. 北界是从约旦河口的海汊
    And their border in the north quarter was from the bay of the sea at the uttermost part of Jordan

5. 北界、是从约但河口的海汊
    And the limit of the north part of the land is from the inlet of the sea at the end of Jordan

6. 海汊从南到北,建有戈尔胡德桥、马克西姆桥和山代盍隧道,将西部连在一起。
    Branching from the sea south to north, there is Al Gore Hood built bridge, Maksim saying Yamashiro Bridge and Tunnel, will link the western region.
