

济世救人[jì shì jiù rén]



济世救人 双语例句

1. 由于苏耽济世救人、孝母爱人,德行昭著,上天感动,召其上天,位列仙班。
    Delays due to the Soviet Union to serve our people, filial love, impeccable moral, God moved its call to heaven in terms of cents ban.

2. 济世救人

2. 我看见露西的父亲衰老了、背驼了,其它方面却复了原,并以他的医术忠实地济世救人,过着平静的生活。
    Honor, cries are raised against him. If they move him at all, it is only to a quiet smile, as he shakes his hair a little more loosely about his face.

3. 我亲爱的孙儿,希望你及早回心向善,努力多做救人济世的善事,或许可以转变业力,挽回命运。
    My dear grandson, I hope you回心good as soon as possible, and strive to serve our community to do more to save the charity, may be able to change the industry, and to restore destiny.

4. 背驼了,其它方面却复了原,并以他的医术忠实地济世救人,过着平静的生活。我看见他们
    I see her father, aged and bent, but otherwise restored, and faithful to all men in his healing office, and at peace.

5. 济世救人的反义词

5. 济世救人,普渡众生是菩萨,是佛的工作。
    The work of aiding the world and saving the people is the duty of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

6. 济世救人的近义词

6. 老师们常常教诲:做医生一定要有父母心,才能做一个济世救人的良医。
    Teachers are often teaching: a doctor must have parental love, in order to make a tradition of helping to save the Good Doctor.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 由於医师职责基於济世救人,以延续人类生命长度与广度价值作为行医的目标,所以一直以来「医师」在传统社会中,即具有崇高的地位与专业的技能。
    Therefore, doctor plays an important role in the industry without question.
