

浇薄[jiāo bó]

词典thoughtless treacherous浇薄。

浇薄 汉英大词典

浇薄[jiāo bó]

(人情风俗薄; 不淳厚) thoughtless treacherous

浇薄 双语例句

1. 浇薄是什么意思

1. 在台湾工业化、现代化与经济腾飞的过程中,社会世相的变化、乡土面貌的变迁、农业社会的变化所导致的人情浇薄和人心动摇在所不免。
    The industrialization process inevitably caused a dramatic change of landscape and a regrettable loss of affinity between people.

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2. 感情日益浇薄的都市人可以洒脱的挥手告别,谁会为思乡情、离别情掬一把廉价的眼泪呢?
    Increasing the feelings of the city poured thin people can free and easy to wave goodbye Who would think of nostalgia, love a cheap parting tears do?

3. 浇薄是什么意思

3. 当地主要是古海岸线构成的冈身及其以东地区,不适稻作,地利浇薄
    Traditionally, the marginal utility of land utilization in that area was low.

4. 浇薄在线翻译

4. 天心暂时基督徒浇薄地。
    Heavenly minded Christians care little for a temporary earth.

5. 盐商的豪奢生活和附庸风雅对明中叶以后形成的浇薄世风有推波助澜作用,但催生了《儒林外史》、《红楼梦》、《镜花缘》等几部重要小说
    The extravagant life and artiness of the salt merchants aggravated the degenerated morals and manners formed in the mid-Ming Dynasty.

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6. 人情浇薄
    Human relationships are tenuous.

7. 《聊斋志异》对浇薄世风的批判用于软基处理的现浇薄壁筒桩设计计算方法
    Method of Calculation for the Design of the Cast-In-Place Thin-Wall Pile Used to Deal With the Soft Ground
