

浅礁[qiǎn jiāo]

词典shoal reef浅礁。

词典shoal rock浅礁。

浅礁 汉英大词典

浅礁[qiǎn jiāo]


shoal reef; shoal rock

浅礁 网络解释

1. shoalrock:shoalretreatmassif 浅滩后退砂体 | shoalrock 浅礁 | shoalwater 浅水 浅水区

2. shoalreef:shoalpatches 浅滩 | shoalreef 浅礁 | shoalretreatmassif 浅滩后退砂体

浅礁 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 夏威夷群岛是一个个最为孤立的、四周被巨大的海洋表面围绕着的地方,太平洋上强烈的风暴产生巨大而完美的波涛就会从深水处涌出,并进入浅礁区以及夏威夷一系列的火山岩区。
    These islands are the most isolated land surrounded by ample ocean surface for the great storms of the Pacific to generate giant, perfect waves that pulse from deep water into the shallow reefs and lava rock of the Hawaiian island chain.

2. 许多物种致电补丁浅礁和沉船位于下游键。
    Many species call the shallow patch reefs and wrecks home in the Lower Keys.

3. 浅礁

3. 浅礁海洋方面围住岛以及在泻湖。
    Shallow reefs surround the island on the ocean side as well as within the lagoon.

4. 浅礁的解释

4. 每个岛屿的四周是由礁石围成的浅礁湖。
    Each island is surrounded by a reef enclosing a shallow lagoon.

5. 不过就是这个小家伙拯救了整个浅礁滩。
    But that's the wee lad who'd one day save the reef.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 谁有浅礁滩最好的珍珠?
    Who's got the best one on the reef?

7. 浅礁在线翻译

7. 沿着这条路一直走就可以到浅礁滩了。
    Just follow those stones, and they'll take you right to the reef.
