

Sprinkle wine;
洒酒 双语例句

1. 洒酒

1. 纪晓岚不顾面子与皇上辩论着人生的本质;陶渊明不为五斗米的体面而折腰,带月荷锄归;李白洒酒东归,抛开文人的儒雅形象,仰天大笑出门去;爱因斯坦,蓬头垢面地进行着他的创作,终年只着一身旧衣服;居里夫妇不为虚伪的外象,结婚时只置办一把椅子。
    Ji Xiaolan face with the emperor the debate regardless of the nature of life; Tao Five Pecks of Rice is not a decent and bow down, with return on Dutch hoe; Li Bai sprinkle Jiudong go, put aside the author's refined image of the sky to go out laughing; Einstein, unkempt manner of his creation, all year round with only one old clothes; Marie Curie is not hypocritical things like marriage only the concern and preparation, when a chair.

2. 洒酒的翻译

2. 在人群中搜索洒酒的人。
    Or scan the crowd for somebody spilling a drink.
