

泫然[xuàn rán]



泫然 汉英大词典

泫然[xuàn rán]

[书] falling; trickling

泫然 双语例句

1. 每次当我看到你愉快的时候,我的内心无比甜蜜;当我看到你伤心的时候,我也会为之叹息,当我看到你泫然欲泣,我会控制不了自己拥你在怀里,安慰你,逗你开心。
    I will be cannot refrain from going to carry you in breast, coax you.

2. 泫然是什么意思

2. 如果你泫然欲泣,就靠在我肩上哭泣
    But if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder.

3. 城市浸在银色的光中,草尖上的露珠泫然欲坠。
    City soaked in silver light, the dew on the Caojian Hyun Ran For fall.

4. 听着这首歌,看着那美得令人泫然泪下的CG movie,我不知何时已泪眼婆娑。
    Apparently, this partturned outto be the soul of this movie, whicheventually appeasedtheclamorouscrowd.

5. 雨儿当然更有伤痛之时,那是谁家的老人去了,谁家的姑娘正伤心,她则流露抑郁之色,出泪泫然,扯出一串串叹息。
    Yu Er, of course even more pain when it was someone's old has gone, Whose girl is sad, she is revealed depression of the color, Hyun-ran out of tears, pulled out a string of sighs.

6. 雨季不超过两个月,而居民们不情愿雨的经常造访,可是其它时候雨水仍不期而至。它与岛屿的关系如此亲密,使得岛上建筑的外观带着雨的印记,那是一种发黑的霉的颜色,把城市染上怀旧的奇异色彩,像旧明信片。我再度穿行于城市里,对过去的回忆与曾经有过的一切想像刹时涌现心头,觉得泫然欲泣。
    Rainy season doesn't last for more than two months, but the rain is a constant visitor, and the island is in intimate terms with the rain - despite not so willingly by most of the residents inhabiting here, the exterior of buildings on the island bear the print of rain, a blackish and moldy look, it adds on the face of the city a nostalgic feeling, as if you are looking at a photo in an old postcard - this is especially apparent in Taipei, I was there two weeks ago, when I got the first glimpse of the city on a train, that color on buildings out of the window brought back all my memory and fantasy that I'd ever had of the city, a feeling that could bring tears.

7. 写缘与编缘王:在我的近20年的编辑生涯当中,还从来没有一本书,像这一部这样,整个编发书稿的过程,自始至终伴随着魂灵的震悸、泫然的泪水,哀痛和幸福的情感交汇在一起,荡涤着我的身心,仿佛经受了一场精神洗礼。
    Write predestined relationship and write a reason: Between editor career of nearly 20 years my, still never a book, resemble this one such, whole the process that invents the draft that send a book, accompanying the tear of the shake palpitate of soul, fall first and last, grief and happy affection are handed in collect together, clean up is worn my body and mind, copy sutra got severe test of a spirit.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 米尔恩先生惊见她泫然欲涕。
    Mr Mears was surprised to see tears in her eyes.
