

泪如雨下[lèi rú yǔ xià]


词典shed floods [a flood] of tears

词典be in a flood of tears眼泪涔涔;泪如雨下。

词典burst into a flood of tears泪如雨下;眼泪直淌。


词典One's eyes rain tears.泪如雨下。

泪如雨下 汉英大词典

泪如雨下[lèi rú yǔ xià]


shed floods [a flood] of tears; be in a flood of tears; burst into a flood of tears; One's eyes rain tears.; One's tears cascade.; One's tears fall like pearls and beans.; One's tears fall like rain.; One's tears flow fast.; One's tears in profusion course

泪如雨下 网络解释

1. Shedding tears like rain:crying loudly 嚎啕大哭 | Shedding tears like rain 泪如雨下 | Shedding bitter tears 痛苦流涕

2. 泪如雨下

2. With Rainy Eyes:08. Periscope Up 潜望镜 | 09. With Rainy Eyes 泪如雨下 | 10. Good Knight 忠诚骑士

3. 泪如雨下

3. The tears, they will pour down:With every stitch I put in it 每穿过一针 | The tears they will pour down 泪如雨下 | With every stitch I put in it 每穿过一针

4. tears fall like rain:乐而忘返:enjoy oneself so much that one doesn't want to return | 泪如雨下:tears fall like rain | 力所能及:in one's power
