

泡饭[pào fàn ]

词典soak cooked rice in soup or water泡饭。

词典cooked rice reheated in boiling water

词典thick gruel

泡饭 汉英大词典

泡饭[pào fàn]

(把汤或水加在饭里) soak cooked rice in soup or water

泡饭 网络解释

1. rice soaked with water; rice in soup:大米绿豆稀饭 rice porridge cooked with green beans; | 泡饭 rice soaked with water; rice in soup | 鸡汤泡饭 rice in chicken soup

2. Paul Fan:Paul Wu 泡汙 | Paul Fan 泡飯 | JOHN CAI 醬菜

3. 泡饭

3. porridge:35仅8元人民币买15个 only RMB 8 for 15 | 36泡饭 porridge | 37洋葱 onion

4. rice soup:porridge 粥 | rice soup 泡饭 | steamed rolls 花卷

泡饭 双语例句

1. 有了这种警悌之心,在日常生活上你就顺其自然,有BMW你还是使用,并不排斥,可也不会贪心,时时想换一台BENZ或更豪华的车;有机会去饭店吃饭你也不拒绝,可是隔天在我这儿吃碗泡饭也不会埋怨,认为难以下咽。
    With the discreet thinking, you can do with what it is. There is a BMW. You use it, but you don`t covet for a more luxury car, such as BENZ. There is a chance to have dinner in a grand hotel, you don`t decline it, as long as, the next day you have a bowl of soaked cooked rice and will not think it is difficult to swallow, that is acceptable.

2. 看着放在我面前的那碗冒着热气的养胃的泡饭,没奈何,我又坐了下来。
    Look on my face steaming Yangwei of Na Wan Pao Fan, do anything, I sat down.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 虽然我总认为我和他没有多少共同语言,但我还是承认泡饭的确没什么营养。
    Although I always thought I was his little common language, But I still did not recognize Paofan nutrition.

4. 泡饭的翻译

4. 因为我经常吃便宜货~我觉得泡饭是世界上最好吃的了~因为我经常上火。
    Because I often eat bargain - I think Paofan is the world's best to eat a I always lit.

5. 泡饭的近义词

5. 上海人喜欢吃泡饭,不知道粥打的过泡饭吗?
    Shanghai Paofan people like to eat, I do not know the play-off porridge Paofan it?

6. 我的早饭是泡饭,里面有素菜和碎肉,是很健康而且热量不高(calorie是计算热能的单元,这里翻译成热量。
    My breakfast is congee with vegetable and minced pork. It is very healthy and LOW in calorie!

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 我一看,桌上摆着的又是泡饭和面包,我撅起嘴不吃。
    I looked around the table lies the Pao Fan and bread again, I stick up Qizui eat.

8. 美国老虎:想是想,只不过大热天的,吃泡饭又会流一身汗。
    Tiger: I would like to, but it is too hot. I am afraid of perspiring all over.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 这里的牛腩香而不腥,烂而有嚼头,汁浓而肉辣,吃到最后能忍不住想去弄个勺子把所有的渣滓都捞上来泡饭吃就好。
    Here sirloin fragrance but is not rank, rotten has 嚼头, the juice thick but the meat is spicy, eats finally can not be able to bear wants to go makes a ladle all to scoop up all sediments the soak rice with soup to eat well.

10. 泡饭

10. 这里的牛腩香而不腥,烂而有嚼头,汁浓而肉辣,吃到最后能忍不住想去弄个勺子把所有的渣滓都捞上来泡饭吃就好。
    The cuisine can make one to eat up all meat and potato with rice.

11. 泡饭

11. 你看到吗,周围有许多人都在吃泡饭和酱菜。
      Did you see all those people eating that rice soup with pickles.
