1. 孔子诞生于尼山,成长于阙里,设教于杏坛,出仕于鲁都,归葬于泗上,在曲阜留下了众多的活动遗迹,后人又兴建了许多纪念建筑。
Confucius was born in mountain Li, growing up in Jieli, teaching in Xintan, administering in the capital of Lu, be buried in Sishang, remained a lot of relics in Qubu, the offsprings also built numerous buidings for commemorating him.
2. 孔子卒于鲁哀公十六年(公元前479年)四月乙丑,葬鲁城北泗上。
Luai Gong Confucius died in 16 years (479 BC) in April Yi Chou, the capital of North Lu on the funeral.