1. 夫妻之间那份牵挂却似一首婉约的词,缠绵幽远,相思常使泪沾巾。
Between husband and wife share of worried about rather being a graceful word, lingering You Yuan, Acacia often makes tears dip towel.
2. 苜蓿烽边逢立春,葫芦河上泪沾巾。
Li-chun Feng alfalfa every side, gourd towel James River tears.
3. 多年之后,当她的母亲能坐在白宫的前排席位上,看着自己含辛茹苦、历尽艰辛培养成才的女儿,终于能够出人头地,执掌最高法院,光耀门楣;一切的牺牲,一切的辛酸,化成老人双眼含笑,泪下沾巾。
These many years later, it was hard not to be moved by Judge Sotomayor`s mother, sitting in the front row at the White House, her eyes welling with tears, as her daughter – who had come so far, for whom she sacrificed so much – was nominated to the highest court in the land.
4. 忆到心头已沾巾!
To remember with tears!