

Tian Zhi;
治田 双语例句

1. 治田的近义词

1. 在这种体系下,治水必须与治田相结合。
    In this system, water control must united with field managing.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 江南地区的圩田大致滥觞于三国之际,迅速发展于两宋,全盛于明清,是我国江南人民在长期治田治水实践中创造的农田开发的一种独特形式。文章以大量历史文献资料为基础,全面考察了江南地区圩田开发的历程与特点,研究了江南圩田兴盛的历史因素和自然条件,并简要分析了圩田的作用。
    The diked paddy-fields (low-lying paddy-fields surrounded with dikes), roughly introduced in the period of Three Powers, rapidly developed during the times of North and South Song Dynasties and reaching their prime in Ming and Qing Dynasties, are a peculiar form of farming fields created by the people of South-East China through their long practice in water control and field management.

3. 治沟与治田工程结合;沟状侵蚀的防治途径
    Prevention and Treatment of Gully Erosion

4. 明白人使这道理,治国治家治兵治田治人治病治理万事,无所不知不至不通不利不成不胜;
    Those wise people use this to rule a country, a family, a platoon, a farm; to help a man, to cure a disease and to ease all problems, it is always invincible, reliable and successful;

5. 治田在线翻译

5. 山西吉县黄土区切沟分类的研究治沟与治田工程结合;
    Classification and control of gully in Loess Region of Jixian County, Shanxi Province.
