

没门儿[méi ménr ]

词典have no access to sth.没门儿。


词典have no means of doing sth.没门儿。


词典no go<口>不行,办不到,不成功;没门儿。

词典nothing doing没门儿。

没门儿 汉英大词典

没门儿[méi ménr]


没门儿 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Not a chance:Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客. | Not a chance! 没门儿! | 3. No news is good news. (没消息就是好消息. )

2. 没门儿的意思

2. no door:37.i think do fuck you look good mother? 我想做操,你看着好吗? | 38.no door 没门儿 | 39.fuck good 干货

3. djflaehdjqtdjdy:62. .走着瞧.enrhqhwk | 63.没门儿.djflaehdjqtdjdy | 64. 真倒霉.wjdakfwotndjqtdjdy

没门儿 双语例句

1. 没门儿!我才不要成为像你们那样的怪胎呢。
    No way, I don`t want to be a bunch of weirdoes like you guys, was his response.

2. 没门儿的近义词

2. 我一看,介是个刺儿头,想拿我当冤大头啊,没门儿
    I think this must be a trouble maker, wanna blackmail me? No way!

3. 不。没门儿。2。我不这样认为。
    No. /No way. 2. I don't think so.

4. 没门儿的反义词

4. 没门儿。我不想跟他们住在一起。
    No way. I don`t want to share my room with them.

5. 没门儿的解释

5. 我被治好了,但是没门儿。。。
    I've got full medical, but there is no way...

6. 没门儿是什么意思

6. 没门儿,那是我最喜欢的CD。
    B: No way. It's my favorite CD.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 没门儿。我才不想住在这样的旅馆呢。
    No way. I won`t stay in this hotel!

8. 没门儿的解释

8. 你以为你是孙悟空吗,还想翻天呢,没门儿
    You think you are the Monkey King who can create havoc in Heaven?

9. 我们每个人要花60镑买票?呸!没门儿
    We're supposed to pay sixty pounds a head for tickets? Phooey! No chance!

10. 你在开玩笑吧!你要借我最好的衣服去约会?没门儿
    You've got to be kidding! Let you borrow my best suit for your date? Get hot and get lucky!

11. 嘿,没门儿,老兄。
      Hey, no way, buddy.

12. 没门儿的意思

12. “你能想象,在中国,一家由日本控股的水务公司提高水费吗?”一位高管问道。“我们连试一下都没门儿。”
      " Can you imagine a Japanese-controlled utility raising water rates in China? " asks one. " There's no way we would even try. "

13. “在这外面装个电话怎么样?”——“没门儿!”
      'How about having a phone out here? '—'Not likely!'

14. 想套我的话,没门儿
      It's useless trying to get a word from me.

15. 今天把所有的活干完?我看没门儿
      Finish all this work today? not likely!

16. 没门儿的翻译

16. 你能给我们弄几张戏票吗?&我可没门儿
      Can you get us some tickets for the performance? & you're asking the wrong person.

17. 你想跟我借钱?没门儿!上次你借了我的钱,过了一个月才还给我!
      The last time you borrowed money from me, it took you a month to pay me back!

18. 没门儿的反义词

18. 你想让我放弃假期?没门儿
      You want me to give up my holiday? No way!

19. 你想把他灌醉?没门儿
      Want to drink him under the table? No way!

20. 没门儿,我可不管她的鸟儿们怎么谈论我们的总统。
      No, sir, I do not care for the way her bird talks about our president.
