

沈思默想 双语例句

1. 沈思默想的翻译

1. 聆听上帝话语的人应该不断咀嚼、反刍;他应该不单是得着上帝话语的喂养,还要反复沈思默想
    The hearer of God's Word ought to be like those animals that chew the cud; he ought not only to feed upon it, but to ruminate upon it.

2. 追求认识这真理的路是窄的,需要花时间付代价,每天要安静祷告,沈思默想,揣摩耶稣在我们里面,我们又在耶稣里面,究竟是什麼意思,慢慢你才会明白,原来我们的生命是与耶稣一起被藏在上帝的生命里面,当你花时间去体会、领悟这真理,并将它深刻印在心版上,你才可被称为天父的儿女。
    Here is the secret of the necessity of taking quiet time and prayerful meditation each day, to become deeply impressed with the truth that the Lord Jesus whose life is hid in God has also His life hid in me. It is only by taking time to realize that the glorious heavenly Christ lives in my heart that I shall truly live as a child of my Father in heaven.

3. 沈思默想的近义词

3. 她开始沈思默想自己的遭遇。
    She fell to brooding about what had happened to her.

4. 沈思默想

4. 沈思默想是记忆的最佳帮助。
    Meditation is the best help to memory.

5. 祷告是使灵魂飞上高天的羽翼,沈思默想则是让我们看见上帝的眼睛。
    Prayer is the wing wherewith the soul flies to heaven and meditation the eye wherewith we see God.

6. 沈思默想

6. 阅读与交谈能供应我们不少人与事的想法,但只有我们自己的沈思默想能帮助我们做出判断。
    Reading and conversation may furnish us with many ideas of men and things, yet it is our own meditating that mustform our judgements.

7. 沈思默想什么意思

7. 阅读与交谈能供应我们不少人与事的想法,但只有我们自己的沈思默想能帮助我们做出判断。
    Reading and conversation may furnish us with many ideas of men and things, yet it is our own meditating that must form our judgements.

8. 沈思默想的意思

8. 沈思默想是合乎圣经的职责。。。
    Meditation is a scriptural duty...as binding as Bible reading and prayer.

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9. 沈思默想是合乎圣经的职责。。。
    Meditation is a script ural duty...as binding as Bible reading and prayer.
