污七八糟[wū qī bā zāo]
in a filthy mess
1. 不应该让我们的孩子接触那种污七八糟的东西。
Our children should not be exposed to filth like that.
2. 我们应当多吃新鲜的绿色食品,少吃那些污七八糟的食品。
We should have more fresh and green food and less junk food.
3. 污七八糟的近义词
3. 你怎么能看这种内容污七八糟的东西?
How can you read such filth?
4. 污七八糟的近义词
4. 欧盟必定有污七八糟的事情。
There is something rotten in the state of Europe.
5. 看看现在的社会,什么污七八糟的都有!
See now, the society WuQiBaZao what have!
6. 从前当我比较快乐时,别人只消看看我的衣柜,一眼就会明白我并不是个污七八糟爱俏的女人。
When I was happy, it was only necessary to glance into my closets, and it would have been evident that I was not a coquettish and untidy woman
7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
7. 装可以不化,要是化的话,也一定要庄重和温雅,记住不要把自己弄得污七八糟,面目全非。
And if he is sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.
8. 新的一年里,我希望咱们这方家园能更加纯净、明朗,像以前那些偶尔的无中生有、污七八糟,能尽量地少些,再少些,不再出现,彻底没有才最好。
In the new year, I hope this square home of ours can be more pure, clearer, creating something out of nothing as those of before once in a while, the in a horrible mess, can try one's best few a bit, lacking it a bit, not appearing again, it is best not to have completely.