

求亲[qiú qīn]

词典seek a marriage alliance求亲。

求亲 汉英大词典

求亲[qiú qīn]

seek a marriage alliance

求亲 网络解释

1. aizm:下蛋aizl | 求亲aizm | 下子aizz

求亲 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 急寻英语好的亲帮忙翻译段落!!急求亲的帮助,翻译下面的段落
    Ernest Hemingway this emotional exactly reflect the post-war generation.

2. 在战马上他长到九岁,也速该带他到东部草原弘吉刺部去求亲,父亲在返回的路上被塔塔儿人毒死了立时,他的叔辈泰志鸟家族的首领塔里忽台,威胁胁迫蒙古部众抛弃了也速该留下的孤儿寡母然而,苦难并没有把铁木真压垮,相反却磨练了他的意志当他十六岁时已经是威名远播的射雕英雄了!
    In the war, he grew to 9 years immediately, and speed the brought him to eastern grassland hong ji thorn, the father of QiuQin to return in the way people by towers. Immediately, he's uncle's bird volunteers'family leader tower, threat and the stress rate should stay away and the orphan GuaMu. However, suffering and overwhelmed tiemuzhen, on the contrary, but he will whet. When he was 16 when is sometimes ornery shoots carves the hero!

3. 从前,一头狮子爱上了一个漂亮的姑娘,于是他就向这个女孩的父母求亲
    A lion once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to him.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 急求亲的帮助,翻译下面的段落:海明威这种个人情绪恰好反映了当时战后一代年轻人的心理。20年代的世界,刚刚经历了战争的磨难。
    Ernest Hemingway this emotional exactly reflect the post-war generation. The 20's world, has just experienced a war.

5. 等她出落成楚楚动人的大姑娘时,前来求亲的人很多。
    When she grew up to be a beautiful girl, many persons came to her home begging for marrying her.

6. 求亲的翻译

6. 假如收购雅虎从不是微软的策略,过去三个半月上演的求亲戏码所为何来?
    If buy the strategy that Yahoo never is Microsoft, why does the show of seek a marriage alliance that 3 half moon staged in the past pile up place to come?

7. 一路上,王振威一心想向女镖师飞燕求亲,可惜屡屡都被不解风情的他把事情搞砸了。
    Along the way, Wang Zhenwei bent to the female Biaoshi Chebi Qiuqin, but often are not understand his love for the things messed up.

8. 那李衙内一心看上,要娶金哥,打发人来求亲,不想金哥已受了原任长安守备的公子的聘定。
    He fell in love at first sight and sent to ask for her hand; but she was already engaged to the son of the former inspector of Changan.

9. 我说句公道话,原是我叫女儿们鼓励我们的房东求亲的。
    I'll fairly own that it was that instructed my girls to encourage our landlord's addresses.
