



水滨 双语例句

1. 有人说起于周公曲水之宴,有人说起于周时的水滨祓禊,总之,这是一个十分古老的节日。
    Some said that it came from the Dinner Party at the Qushui River of the Zhou Dynasty (1046BC-221BC ).

2. 水滨的反义词

2. 罗伯特·奥德利把孩子托付给无所事事的侍者照料后,便信步走到水滨去,他选定了一条寂寞的河岸,河岸在市区的颓墙断垣下一直延伸到狭窄河边的小乡村。
    Robert Audley left the boy in charge of the idle waiter, and strolled down to the water-side, choosing that lonely bank which leads away under the mouldering walls of the town towards the little villages beside the narrowing river.

3. 东北岸有画舫斋、濠濮涧、镜清斋、天王殿、五龙亭、九龙壁等建筑;其南为屹立水滨的北海团城,城上葱郁的松柏丛中有造型精巧的承光殿。
    Carrying on the traditions of garden landscaping of ancient China Beihai is a gem of garden art.

4. 水滨什么意思

4. 水滨的外滩和法租界是欣赏颓废的殖民时期遗迹的最好去处。
    The Bund, its riverside area, and Frenchtown are the best places to see the remnants of its decadent colonial past.

5. 水滨的,水边的水边的,有关水边的或位于水边的
    Land abutting a body of water. Of, relating to, or situated at the waterside.

6. 高架路轨将严重破坏5公里长的绿色生态和水滨
    A viaduct will destroy the green ecology, hillsides and water

7. 何以知家给,笙歌满水滨
    Home to know why, Shengge Water over the foreshore.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 戴着头巾的母亲们看着孩子们在水滨公园里追逐打闹。
    Mothers with headscarves watched their children frolic in the waterfront park.

9. 水滨的解释

9. 我驾车去水滨区。
    I drove down to the waterside.

10. 它位于距阿克伦西南几英里的东部水库(EastReservoir)的东南水滨的树丛中,树丛中还有其他七座别墅。
    It stood with seven others in a grove on the southeast shore of the East Reservoir, a few miles south of Akron.

11. 水滨

11. 水滨,水边水体边缘的土地;
      Land bordering a body of water; a bank or shore.

12. 水滨在线翻译

12. 艺术的恩惠为“潜行者”预备着一份憩息之水滨的想象,使得人们能想象现实之外仍有救赎之可能。
      The saving grace of art is that it provides these " sleepers " with the idea of a shore to rest on, so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality.

13. 广州城内外的相关官署和海阳等馆驿大都位于沿城南、城西的水滨,与海外贸易交通有关。
      Most government offices and posthouses were located along seaside in the south and west of the city.

14. 《诗经》中有相当数目的情歌吟咏于水滨河畔或与雨水密切相关。
      A considerable number of love songs in The Book of Songs were either composed on bank of water or closely related to water.

15. 充分体现以人为本的思想,重视滨水空间的规划设计,结合城市景观规划,以水造景,把水景观融入城市景观,为市民创造一个安全、舒适和富有情趣的水滨环境。
      For making a safe, comfortable and agreeable waterfront environment, waterfront space plan should be emphasized and waterscape can be incorporated into urban landscape, so as to reflect the thought called design for people.

16. 在水晶溪(CrystalCreek)中笔者又发现了一个储着水的河狸坝&该坝可以在干旱季节为下流水滨物种提供更加稳定的水流。
      Along Crystal Creek I find another recent beaver dam storing water, releasing a more constant flow for riparian species downstream through the dry months.

17. 艺术的恩惠为“潜行者”预备着一份憩息之水滨的想象,使得人们能想象现实之外仍有救赎之可能。
      The saving grace of art is that it provides these " sleepers " with the idea of a shore to rest on, so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality.
