

气楼[qì lóu]




气楼 汉英大词典

气楼[qì lóu]


clerestory; monitor

气楼 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. qilou.net:guilian.net 鬼脸 500 | qilou.net 气楼 150 | bitai.net 笔台 150

2. clearstory:clearstore 清除存储指令 | clearstory 气楼 | clearstuff 无疵病木材

3. 气楼

3. nonitortop:nonisotropic 各向异性的 | nonitortop 气楼 | nonius 游标

气楼 双语例句

1. 气楼在线翻译

1. 屋面为轻钢屋面。屋面采用940型顺坡采光通风气楼,特别在在焊接工作量比较大的地方加密了气楼的布置,墙面设置了雨披增加了厂房通风换气次数。
    The roof uses light steel roof and adopts 940-type downhill day lighting and ventilation clearstory, especially encrypted the layout of clearstory at the place with larger welding workload, and the wall face sets up rain cape that increases the ventilation rate of the workshop.

2. 他住的房子,我们已经说过,是一所只有一层楼的楼房,楼下三间,楼上三间,顶上一间气楼,后面有一个四分之一亩大的园子。
    The house in which he lived consisted, as we have said, of a ground floor, and one story above; three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above.

3. 楼下三间,楼上三间,顶上一间气楼
    Three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above.

4. 六 他托谁看守他的房子英文他住的房子,我们已经说过,是一所只有一层楼的楼房,楼下三间,楼上三间,顶上一间气楼,后面有一个四分之一亩大的园子。
    CHAPTER VI WHO GUARDED HIS HOUSE FOR HIM Chinese The house in which he lived consisted, as we have said, of a ground floor, and one story above; three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above.

5. 分别截取气楼排烟出口平面和排烟门平面作为观测面,模拟自然通风条件下,室外风速对厂房火灾温度分布和烟气蔓延的影响。
    This paper mainly simulates the effect the wind speed on the temperature field of fire and the spreading of smoking in the large industrial workshop with the natural ventilation.

6. 但是由于其横向搭接困难,故当建筑屋顶有天窗、风机、气楼等突起构造以及需要与采光带等不同材料组合时,容易产生渗漏。
    However because of its difficult lapping, it is easy for a leak to be produced when there are skylights, fans and clearstory etc, at the roof of a building.

7. 气楼的近义词

7. 接着smith用魔导科学家召唤了千眼破坏了索加。smith接着发动了恶梦圣气楼,并拿到了镶边,当他想用其攻击的时候却被敌人控制器变成了防御形式。
    Smith bailed himself out by using Magical Scientist for Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Mirage of Nightmare managed to fetch him a copy of Blade Knight. He attacked with it, but Enemy Controller put it in defense position.

8. 气楼的反义词

8. 并且,除了这个大石洞以外,上面还有一个小石洞,可以供他们随便利用;这个小石洞好象是新居的气楼一样。
    Theframework of the partitions was soon raised, very roughly at first, and ina short time, the cave was divided into rooms and storehouses, according tothe plan agreed upon.
