

毛孩[máo hái]


词典hairy child毛孩。


词典Hai Mao[人名]毛孩。

毛孩 汉英大词典

毛孩[máo hái]

hairy child

毛孩 双语例句

1. 为什么我相信,这样的一组很少或没有投资经验的毛孩子吗?
    Why do I have to believe that such a group of little or no investment experience毛孩子it?

2. 毛孩的反义词

2. 但是我只不过是个毛孩子,下定了决心就不再犹豫了。
    But I was only a boy, and I had made my mind up.

3. 喻 他的妻子在钱财方面还是个毛孩子。;他的妻子不善于理财。
    His wife's a child in money matters.

4. 没门。湖人绝不会在首轮跟这样一队毛孩子2-2战平之后,在斯台普斯丢掉第五场。
    No way were they going to lose Game 5 of a tied first-round playoff series at StaplesCenter to a team of toddlers.

5. 毛孩

5. 更深一层说,科比还是一个被宠怀的毛孩子。
    Deep down, kobe is still the spoiled brat

6. 毛孩什么意思

6. 这个小毛孩又不停地为我做蛋糕
    And this boy is baking cakes at me!

7. 这些毛孩们还没有自己的生活,所以他们把所有时间都用来工作。
    These wool child people the life that still does not have oneself, so they use all time the job.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 小毛孩你们想干嘛?
    Wanna do this, 'roid monkey?

9. 毛孩是什么意思

9. 但是随着时间的推移,他们已从乳臭未干的小毛孩成长为一代新巨星。
    But with the passage of time, they have grown to小毛孩the乳臭未干new generation of superstars.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 客人1:那你知道什么呢,小毛孩
    Customer 1::What do you know, kid?

11. 此时,却在你这样一个17岁的小毛孩身上花费了足足500万磅。
      At this point, but you like a 17-year-old Xiao Maohai who spent a full five million pounds.

12. 毛孩的解释

12. 他不过是个小毛孩而已。
      He's only a kid.

13. 作为毛孩他不能像正常人那样生活。
      As a hairy child, he could not lead a normal life as others did.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 很可能从那群小毛孩那里感染了肠道病毒。
      Probably caughtan intestinal virus from one of those feral kidsrunning around.

15. 先生,我为什么要和这个小毛孩说话?
      Sir, why would I talk to the bellows boy when I can talk to the blacksmith?

16. 毛孩的意思

16. 两个小毛孩在他们前面屁颠屁颠地跑开了。
      Two very small children scuttled away in front of them

17. 毛孩

17. 跟他哥哥一比,他不过是个小毛孩
      He's a mere slip of a lad compared to his brother

18. 我是他那样的小毛孩时,莫明其妙地就会发笑。
      When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things

19. 我也许能活下来,但是你,你只是个小毛孩
      I'm probabiy gonna survive this, but you, you're a squishy IittIe kid.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 小伙伴们此时都差未几到齐了,由邻家的大姐姐当头,领着我们这一群小毛孩到河边看赛龙船。
      Small partners at this time are almost, and Sisters from the big head next door, led us to the river this group watch dragon-boat race.
