






毕宿 双语例句

1. 像大陵五、毕宿五和牧夫座这些天体的名字依然保留了阿拉伯人征服天空的痕迹。
    The names of such stars as Algol, Aldebaran and Bootes preserve the traces of Arab conquests in the sky.

2. 我承认我不知道哪颗是毕宿五——真的,我也从来没注意到星星的颜色不一样。
    I confessed that I did not know which Aldebaran was—indeed, I had never even noticed that the stars were of different colours.

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3. 在这景像里人们很容易忽略毕宿五,但是这颗星星却是金牛座里最亮的。
    It`s easy to overlook Aldebaran in this scene, but this star is the brightest one in Taurus.

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4. 我们很快就会被火星密迷住,可能忽略掉毕宿五在明天早晨的景象。
    We earthings are fascinated by Mars, and might tend to overlook Aldebaran in tomorrow`s morning scene.

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5. 你要知道毕宿五其实并非毕星团的一员,因为65光年的距离,它更接近我们。
    You know Aldebaran is not a true member of the Hyades cluster because – at 65 light-years – it is so much closer to us.

6. 哎,你看毕宿五!
    Say, will you look at Aldebaran!

7. 今晚,你可以分辨出在月亮右下方的金牛座一等星——毕宿五以及在月亮左下方的金牛座二等星五车五
    This evening, you may be able to make out Aldebaran, Taurus` brighteststar, to the moon`s lower right, and Elnath, Taurus` second brighteststar, to the lower left.

8. 毕宿什么意思

8. 但是,火星只是太阳系中离我们较近的一块大岩石,而毕宿五则是距离我们有65光年的一颗神奇的星球。
    But Mars is just a little nearby hunk of rock in our own solar system – while Aldebaran is a mighty star, located about 65-light years away.

9. 红色的毕宿五星星是一颗典型的老星星它的表面温度较低。而蓝色的昂星团则是比较年轻的一颗星星,表面温度高。
    The red of Aldebaran is typical of the lower surface temperature of an older star, whereas the blue of the Pleiades reveals their high surface temperature and young age.

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10. 本文给出2000&2015年中国各直辖市、省会、和自治区首府等三十三个城市可见的月掩角宿一、心宿二、毕宿五和轩辕十四的情况。
    This paper gives the circumstances of lunar occultations of Spica, Antares, Aldebaran and Regulus for 33 main cities of China in the period 2000-2015.

11. 我承认我不知道哪颗是毕宿五&真的,我也从来没注意到星星的颜色不一样。
      I confessed that I did not know which Aldebaran was & indeed, I had never even noticed that the stars were of different colours.

12. 它将位于貌似北斗七星的昴宿星团和呈 V 型毕宿星云的中间。
      The moon will be about halfway between the tiny dipper-shaped Pleiades star cluster and the V-shaped Hyades star clusters.

13. 毕宿在线翻译

13. 你会发现渐渐上爬的峨嵋月、昴宿——`七姐妹星云`、V 形的毕宿八星——金牛座的牛脸,还有火星和金星。
      You`ll find the waning reascent moon – the star cluster Pleiades, or Seven Sisters – the V-shaped Hyades cluster representing the face of Bull in the constellation Taurus – and the planets Mars and Venus.
