1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
1. 因此,保定丝弦就成为一个诸腔并用的地方剧种,它使用的曲牌和腔调除河西调外,还有越调、三调弦、大青羊、小青羊、大反召、小反召、山坡羊、抱青羊、黄莺儿、桂枝香、倒推、撇金钱、大四景、一封书、河西锣调、边关景、二不硬、红大袄、萝卜筐、步步娇、状元腿、酒令儿。
Therefore, Baoding silk string has become a place where various cavity and use opera, which uses the Tune and tone tune except Hexi, there are more tone, three tuning, big Qingyang, small Qingyang, large counter-response, small anti-Zhao, Shan Poyang, hold Qingyang, Huang Ying abuse, Gui Xiang, inverted push, charge-off of money, a senior at King, a book, Hexi gong emphasized border scenery, two are not hard, red big jacket, radish baskets, step by step-chiao, champion leg, Jiuling children.