

正当时[zhènɡ dānɡ shí]



正当时 双语例句

1. 正当时

1. 上一篇:11期内容预告:Windows 7,延续操作系统的辉煌青梅煮酒论英雄,创新创业正当时
    English Title: Green plum boils wine to talk a hero, innovation poineering the right season or time

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 制作组在加冕作为美国正当时最好的跳舞团队之后赢得$100,000和一份漫长的合同一。
    The gathering has won $100, 000 and a touring lessen after existence comate as Americas Best Dance Crew in flavour one.

3. Jenny正当时-她只有15岁
    She's only 15 years old.

4. 还是等秋天吧,正好孩子也一岁了,断奶正当时
    Such as fall or you just have one-year-old baby, and being weaned at the time.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 虽然他反对死命狂奔以取悦那些粗心大意的人,而总是按正常速度行驶,但是遇上理由正当时,他也不反对赶时间。
    Although he was against hard driving to please careless peo-ple, he always went at a fair speed and was not against going faster if there was a good reason.

6. 秋分种麦正当时
    The autumnal equinox is the right time for sowing wheat.

7. 正当时

7. 短视在孟加拉国有三十多年的历史&不幸的是,不管这种歪曲的镜象多么错误,它在证明其行为的正当时总是自以为是的。
    Myopia in Bangladesh is now in its fourth decade & and sadly, this distorted vision has clothed itself with self-righteousness for justifying actions, no mattes how flawed they might be.

8. 转变理念正当时&有关文化理念的再思考
    It is Time to Change Concepts: Rethinking on Cultural Concepts

9. 虽然他反对死命狂奔以取悦那些粗心大意的人,而总是按正常速度行驶,但是遇上理由正当时,他也不反对赶时间。
    Although he was against hard driving to please careless peo - ple, he always went at a fair speed and was not against going faster if there was a good reason.

10. C高;投资高息货币正当时
    It's time for high interest monetary investment

11. 投资朝鲜正当时
      Golden Time for Investing North Korea

12. 档案用品监管正当时
      It is Right Time to Supervise the Things for Archival Use

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 私募基金:推出正当时
      Private Fund Raising: Emerging at the Right Time
