

正席[zhènɡ xí]



正席 网络解释

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1. feast:zhengben shu 正本书 'story proper' 83 | zhengxi 正席 feast 112 | Zhenniantaisui 贞年太穗 deity 38

正席 双语例句

1. 回族的日常饮食很注意卫生,凡有条件的地方,饭前、饭后都要用流动的水洗手,就餐时,长辈要坐正席,晚辈不能同长辈同坐在炕上,须坐在炕沿或地上的凳子上。
    Muslim diet is attention to hygiene, where have conditions, before eating, after dinner should wash their hands with the flow water, when they are eating, the elders had to take a seat on master`s, and the younger generation can not sit next to the elders place, they have to be sitting Along the groundor the bench.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 辣椒炒肉,是长沙最著名的家常菜,在20多年前,辣椒炒肉难以端上高中档酒楼的正席,高中档酒楼中炒的多半是瘦肉丝。
    Oh delicious Pepper Pork is the most famous home cooking in Changsha, in 20 years ago, Pepper Pork difficult to end on a positive high profile restaurant seats, high profile restaurant in the mostly fried lean silk.
