1. 歌儿在线翻译
1. 飘泊的歌儿从我心中飞去在你爱的呼声里寻找窠巢。
Migratory songs wing from my heart and seck their nests in your voice od love.
2. 飘泊的歌儿从我心中飞去在你爱的呼声里寻找窠巢。
The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man'sdare the unknown.
3. 飘泊的歌儿从我心中飞去在你爱的呼声里寻找窠巢。
Their nests in your voice od love.
4. 歌儿的翻译
4. 你信不信,如果我扭起屁股唱黄歌儿,比她得到的掌声还多!
Believe me, I can get much louder applause if I should sing those smutty songs and swing my hips all the while.
5. 清晨,我披着朝霞,踏着轻快的脚步,哼着歌儿来到学校。
Early in the morning, I the glow, brisk pace, sang a song came to the school.
6. 但是欧歌儿说设定和实现挑战肯定有益于精神健康。
But Ogles says there are definite mental health benefits to setting and meeting a challenge.
7. 歌儿是什么意思
7. 回想到1920年,你还记得商业看起来是多么繁荣,每样东西看起来是多么如花似锦,幸福像歌儿一样的日子吗?
Remember back in 1920 how fine the business outlook seemed, how everything looked rosy and life flowed along like a song?
8. 歌儿是什么意思
8. 你是我的快乐,我的希望与歌儿
You are all my pleasure, my hope and my song
9. 妈妈,你说他们会喜欢这支歌儿吗?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
10. danci.911cha.com
10. 你我之间的爱像歌儿一样的单纯。
This love between you and me simple as a song.
11. 谢谢你,音乐,我唱的歌儿
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
12. 他说,你要把它们都写成歌儿。
Said all you need is to write them a song.
13. 歌儿的反义词
13. 他在学校学了几首歌儿。
He learned a couple of songs in school.
14. 歌儿
14. 我得走了。我的情人要给我写一首歌儿,准备让我大吃一惊。
I have to go, my Valentine is about to knock me off my feet by pontificating out a song.
15. 歌儿的近义词
15. 早上她走进客厅,唱着歌儿,拿着新摘的花儿准备插进花瓶里,然后她看到她的父亲吊在顶灯下面。他的脸像煤一样黑,那很可怕,相信我!
He went over to Nova Scotia to visit his relations--his father had come from Nova Scotia--and he wrote back to Leslie that his cousin, George Moore, was going on a voyage to Havana and he was going too.
16. 她歌儿也唱得很美--清脆的抒情女高音。
She also sings very well--a clear lyric soprano.
17. 歌儿的解释
17. Shwayze是一支来自美国加利福尼亚Malibu的流行说唱乐团,与一般的说唱乐团不同的是,Shwayze的音乐中除了有典型的Hip-Hop节奏之外,还融入了一些原声吉他的伴奏,这让他们的歌儿听起来非常的轻松。
However, despite this intimate connection with a second-generation nepotist more known for his connections than his talent, Shwayze claims to have grown up in a comparatively tough trailer park in one of Malibu's less prosperous neighborhoods.
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18. 有一只鸟在丛林中不断地唱着一只音调颤抖的歌儿;李树的形象和色彩看起来都是神采奕奕的。
A bird amongst the bushes kept a little chant vibrating; and all the plumtree's shape and colour seemed alive.
19. 迁飞的歌儿从我的心房展翅,在你的爱语中寻觅着归巢。
Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their neats in your voice of love.
20. danci.911cha.com
20. 双手揣在兜里,唱着歌儿的那副样子,活像是逍遥自在地度着一天假的马车夫。
Hands stuck in his trousers pockets, jarvey off for the day, singing