

歇班[xiē bān]

词典be off duty下班;歇班。

词典have time off歇班;有空。

歇班 汉英大词典

歇班[xiē bān]

be off duty; have time off:


    I am off duty today.

歇班 双语例句

1. 歇班的翻译

1. 一路上,他们一共见了三次,每次都是他歇班的时候。
    They wound up meeting three times along the trip, each time when the officer was off duty from the train.

2. 說到請假歇班,他什麼花招都想得出。。。。
    When it comes to getting off work, he knows all the dodges.

3. 歇班是什么意思

3. 我歇班那天就修理歪了的篱笆。
    On my day off, I'll fix the tipsy fence.

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4. 今天我歇班
    I am off duty today.

5. 今天小王歇班儿。
    Xiao Wang is off duty today.

6. 她觉得再也抽不出时间歇班了。
    She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work.

7. 我今天下午歇班,想到花园里坐坐,休息休息。
    I have an afternoon off today I think I shall sit in the garden and take it easy.

8. 歇班

8. 在歇班时总是睡一上午觉。
    When he is off duty, he always sleeps the whole morning away.

9. 他的歇班要求被断然拒绝。
    His request for time off work was met with a flat refusal.
