

欺世惑众[qī shì huò zhòng]

词典deceive people骗人;欺世惑众。


词典dupe the people the world over欺世惑众。

词典pull the wool over people's eyes迷惑人心;欺世惑众。

欺世惑众 汉英大词典

欺世惑众[qī shì huò zhòng]

deceive people; dupe the people the world over; pull the wool over people's eyes

欺世惑众 双语例句

1. 欺世惑众的近义词

1. 这完全是一种移花接木、欺世惑众的说法。
    This is a totally deceptive statement that substitutes one thing for another.

2. 欺世惑众的意思

2. 在下当初既不曾蒙恩,今朝亦无须感德;天帝既助我独成大业,今何敢欺世惑众,默认身后有所谓莫须有之赞助者?在下言辞或有苛刻不敬,还望海涵。
    I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received or to be unwilling that the Public should consider me as owing that to a Patron, which Providence has enabled me to do for myself.
