

欢声雷动[huān shēng léi dòng]

词典give a great shout of approval欢声雷动。

词典cheers rent the air like thunder.欢声雷动。

词典Cheers resound like rolls of thunder.欢声雷动。

词典cry out for joy欢声雷动。

欢声雷动 汉英大词典

欢声雷动[huān shēng léi dòng]

give a great shout of approval; cheers rent the air like thunder.; Cheers resound like rolls of thunder.; cry out for joy; The cheers make the welkin ring.; The cheers rent the welkin.; thunderous [deafening] cheers [applause]

欢声雷动 双语例句

1. 我军所到之处,敌人望风披靡,人民欢声雷动
    Wherever our troops go, the enemy flees pell-mell before us and the people give thunderous cheers

2. 队伍无尽头,旗帜的海洋使人们倍感壮观;一些老兵不断向路两旁的人群挥舞着礼帽,真是欢声雷动,鼓乐喧天。
    Some veterans waved their hats to the crowd at roadsides continuously. The cheers resounded like rolls of thunder, with the great din of drums and pipes.

3. 欢声雷动

3. 当我完成路线攀岩后,原本没信心的我被欢声雷动的鼓掌声「吓」了一跳,才回过神来。
    I`d never had much confidence in myself and was shocked by the thunderous applause I received when I finished the route.

4. 我在加州波林纳斯一家酒吧眼看著他辞职下台,至今彷佛还可以听到欢声雷动
    I watched him quit in a bar in Bolinas, Calif.; I can still hear the cheer.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 更衣室简直欢声雷动,我们给每一个支持者带去了快乐。
    The place was bouncing and we`ve sent everyone home happy on the red side.

6. 欢声雷动

6. 我们明天可重新加入服装秀全场欢声雷动
    This unit is back to the fashion show tomorrow.

7. 她一说完,民众就大声呼喊,全城欢声雷动
    When she finished her account, the people cheered loudly, and their city resounded with shouts of joy.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 喜讯传来,欢声雷动
    The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers.

9. 欢声雷动的近义词

9. 全场欢声雷动
    The audience broke out into thunderous cheers.

10. 你真该当场听到观众的掌声&那真是一片欢声雷动
    You should have heard the audience applaud & the noise was fantastic.

11. 工人们听到这消息时都欢声雷动
      The news was greeted with roaring cheers among the workers.

12. 航天飞机拖着掀起的细尘滑行3公里以后停了下来,数千观众欢声雷动
      Thousands of spectators cheered as the space plane rolled 3 kilometers before halting, trailing a curtain of fine dust.
