



欢喜若狂 双语例句

1. 我欢喜若狂,决心要捉到一只。
    I was entranced—and was determined to have one.

2. 欢喜若狂的近义词

2. 他的妻子欢喜若狂
    His wife was beside herself with joy.

3. 片刻的欢喜若狂接着是几个小时的急剧痛苦。
    A few moments of feverish enjoyment were followed by hours of acute suffering.

4. 听到这个消息她欢喜若狂
    When she heard the good the news, she was mad with joy.

5. 但对於 David 和 Diana 为著孩子能渡过第一天而欢喜若狂,似乎是言之过早。
    But as those first days passed, a new agony set in for David and Diana.

6. 令球迷们欢喜若狂的消息是从收音机里播报的。
    The news that made the fans wild with joy was from the radio.

7. 我们的足球队最终击败了朝鲜队的消息令球迷们欢喜若狂
    The news that our football team at last defeated Korea made the fans wild with joy.

8. 然后手拉手离去,欢喜若狂,满载而归。
    Then, hand in hand they made off, guffawing gloatingly.

9. 我无法用言语形容这刻的幸福感觉,我将努力不懈成为最好的父亲,我知歌迷们会欢喜若狂,但我渴望大家可给黛比和孩子拥有私隐;我是生长在一个金鱼缸世界,所以不会允许这种事情发生在我的孩子身上;请尊重我们的意愿,让我的儿子拥有他的私隐
    Please respect our wishes and give my son his privacy.

10. 欢喜若狂

10. 但这次她竟含羞答答脸红红的点头答应,我马上给她戴上介指,我欢喜若狂,一手抱起了她马上就在厅中就地正法。
    I heard this and immediately took the opportunity to take out the already prepared wedding ring and a big bouquet of roses and proposed marriage to her for the 5th time.

11. 有了思想,我们可以在清醒的状态下欢喜若狂
      With thinking we may be beside ourselves in a sane sense.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 孩子们看到送给他们的礼物,一个个欢喜若狂
      The kids went bananas when they saw their presents.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。迪莉娅:大家欢喜若狂。事实上,全市人都欢喜若狂
      Loneliness is carnival for the one. Carnival is loneliness of the many. Delia: Well, everyone went wild. In fact the whole town went wild.

14. 迪莉娅:大家欢喜若狂。事实上,全市人都欢喜若狂
      Intense joy or delight. Delia: Well, everyone went wild. In fact the whole town went wild.

15. “好啦!”安东尼欢喜若狂。姨妈,我们可以任选喜欢吃的食物吗?”
      " Yahoo!" cheered Anthony. " Can we pick and choose whatever we like, Auntie? "

16. “好啦!”安东尼欢喜若狂。姨妈,我们可以任选喜欢吃的食物吗?”
      " Yahoo!" cheered Anthony. " Can we pick and choose whatever we like, Auntie?"
