



词典eaves tile檐口瓦,檐瓦,瓦挡。

词典starter tile檐瓦。

词典verge tile檐瓦。

檐瓦 网络解释

1. vergetile:vergering 钟表摆轮 | vergetile 檐瓦 | vergetrimmer 边缘修整器

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. eaves tile:easy fired 易烧 | eaves tile 檐瓦 | edge lining 钩边

3. starter tile:starterterminalpost起动机接线端子 | startertile檐瓦 | startertoggleswitch起动机肘节开关

檐瓦 双语例句

1. 檐瓦的反义词

1. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头像闪电一样击中了我。
    And I think when you are in a lonely situation, you have to rely on that compass.

2. 檐瓦的解释

2. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头象闪电一样击中了我。
    And I can tell you exactly which shower tile I was looking at in my parent''s bathroom on a trip home when it hit me like a lightning bolt.

3. 什么原因让大殿檐瓦滴水呢?
    What made the great hall-watt light water it?

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头像闪电一样击中了我。
    And I can tell you exactly which shower tile I was looking at in my parent's bathroom on a trip home when it hit me like a lightning bolt. This is mylife. I can do what I want. I have control.

5. 现发展到模压式水泥彩瓦成型机械配套养护托盘,其品种有日式主瓦西班牙s型、排水沟、边檐瓦、脊瓦、大s型、改制式滚压瓦型托盘和地面砖(300×300mm)养护托盘,采用国产优质冷轧带钢生产,厚度1.8mm。
    Development is to die-molding machine cement Caiwa supporting conservation tray, a Japanese-style main varieties watts (missing-angle, right-angle type) s-Spain, gutter, while canopies watts, Jiwa, the s-and-roll restructuring Pressure-type tile and brick and tray (300 × 300mm) conservation tray, use China-made high-quality cold-rolled strip steel production, the thickness of 1.8 mm.

6. 据说过去文殊殿檐瓦,无论春夏秋,还是阴晴雨天,总往下滴水。
    It is said that in the past Hall of Monju-watt light, spring, summer, autumn, whether or Yinqing rain, water dripping down the total.

7. 远望楼、阁、殿、台、塔、舍,加上松杏错出高墙、檐瓦之间,甚是宏伟壮丽,气势森严。
    Yuanwang House, Court, Temple, Taiwan, Tajikistan, and homes, combined with the wrong song apricot walls, canopies between watts, is very magnificent, imposing tight security.

8. 习惯在这样月光倾泻的夜晚,登上我们的小楼,这座自阶梯至檐瓦写满我们的回忆的小楼。
    Moonlight pouring in such habits of the night, we boarded the small building, the ladder to the eaves tile from full story in our memories.

9. 阴天或晴天时,气温升高,储水层中的水便慢慢地挥发从檐瓦滴下,就出现了这一奇特的景观。
    Sunny or cloudy, temperature, water levels in the water evaporation will slowly drip from the eaves tile, it appeared strange that the landscape.
