

横眉怒目[héng méi nù mù]

词典face others with frowning brows and angry eyes横眉怒目。

词典dart fierce looks of hate横眉怒目;睁目怒眉。


词典One's eyebrows went up and one's pupils delated.横眉怒目。

词典raise one's eyebrows and stare in anger拧眉瞪眼;横眉怒目。

横眉怒目 汉英大词典

横眉怒目[héng méi nù mù]

face others with frowning brows and angry eyes; dart fierce looks of hate; One's eyebrows went up and one's pupils delated.; raise one's eyebrows and stare in anger; straighten the eyebrows and raise the eyes -- angry looks; wrathful and cruel

横眉怒目 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 他所坐的死刑囚犯护送车,逼迫他之人的横眉怒目的神色,以及他所要遭受的可怕死刑──这一切他都毫不在意,那曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远,并且拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙的主,这时正在他的旁边。
    The wretched tumbrel upon which he rode, the frowning faces of his persecutors, the dreadful death to which he was going--these he heeded not; He who liveth and was dead, and is alive for evermore, and hath the keys of death and of hell, was beside him.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 芳汀原是个识羞耻的人,但在她生前,羞耻已粗暴地从她心中被迫出走了,这羞耻心是否在她死后又回到她的身上,悲愤填膺地护卫着死者的安宁,横眉怒目地在她坟墓里保护着她呢?
    Had all the modesty which had been in Fantine, and which had violently quitted her during her lifetime, returned to rest upon her after her death, to watch in indignation over the peace of that dead woman, and in its shyness, to keep her in her grave?

3. 横眉怒目的近义词

3. 现在她和我一样横眉怒目,互不相让。
    Now her anger was as hot as mine. We stood on equal ground.

4. 这位姑娘横眉怒目,满脸仇恨。
    The girl's face was contorted with hate.

5. 接待员横眉怒目地看着我。
    The receptionist scowled at me.

6. 接待员横眉怒目地看着我。
    The receptionist scowl ed at me.

7. 横眉怒目

7. 中国的官僚和平民横眉怒目:西方敌对势力不依不饶地阻挠中国的伟大复兴。
    Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western foes to thwart China`s inexorable rise.

8. 横眉怒目的近义词

8. 他整天独自坐着,横眉怒目地瞪着来往的人。
    He sits alone all day scowling at passers-by.
