




横吹 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 宋朝有一首诗说:骑牛远远过前村、短笛横吹隔垄闻。
    A Chinese poetry written during the Song Dynasty has this to say

2. 横吹在线翻译

2. 南北朝乐府边塞诗,也就是横吹乐府边塞曲辞的意义在于开启了初唐的雄伟诗风。
    Therefore, the significance of such poems lies in starting a grand style of writing poems for early Tang Dynasty.

3. 《关山月》是横吹曲辞中最富诗意的乐府旧曲,出现在魏晋以后刘宋升明元年以前,南朝诗人的《关山月》创作,以关山为背景,以月为核心,形成咏月式写作模式。
    By the time of the South Dynasty, The Moon Over the Guangshan Mountain has become peculiar style of poetic creativity, with the Guanshan Mountain as background, and the moon as keynote.

4. 横吹的反义词

4. 再后来横吹曲又从鼓吹曲中分出,狭义的鼓吹曲便成了短箫铙歌的专称。北方的鼓吹乐和横吹乐,分别在汉代和东晋南渡后就已开始传到南方。
    The guchui music and hengchvimusic in the North part of China introduced into the South part seperated in Han Dynasty and Dongjin.

5. 横吹曲题目中的大部分被文人们赋咏为边塞诗,横吹曲辞与边塞诗是有关系的。
    Most of the songs in Hengchui Ballads were supposed as border poems by scholars.

6. 在几千年的发展进化过程中形成竹质、横吹、贴膜3大特征;
    During several thousand years of development and " evolution " process, it has formed three big features of " Bamboo materials "" horizontal playing " and " Pellicle attaching ".

7. 横吹的解释

7. 横吹曲题目中的大部分被文人们赋咏为边塞诗,横吹曲辞与边塞诗是有关系的。
    Most of the songs in Hengchui Ballads were supposed as border poems by scholars. They were related to each other.

8. 横吹

8. 在几千年的发展进化过程中形成竹质、横吹、贴膜3大特征;
    During several thousand years of development and " evolution " process, it has formed three big features of " Bamboo materials "" horizontal playing " and " Pellicle attaching ".
