1. 楜椒在线翻译
1. 请给我黑楜椒酱。
Black pepper for me.
2. 然而,更好的是沙拉里不放油,而是洒上一点酒醋、香油醋或是挤一点柠檬汁及加入一点楜椒和盐就够了。
Better yet, pass on the oil and sprinkle your salad with wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a little pepper and salt.
3. 双龙部落的布农族风味餐,材料皆来自当地的素材,像石板葱鱼烤鱼、山楜椒鸡汤、烤山猪、月桃糕等色香味俱全的风味餐,令人垂涎三尺,新鲜好吃,是城里吃不到的特殊风味。
In addition, coming to Shuanglong Tribe, you definitely cannot miss this great opportunity to savour a variety of the Bunun flavoured meals, including stone grilled fish, pepper chicken soup, grilled boar, moon peach cake, etc.
4. 请问要那一种牛排酱?请给我黑楜椒酱。
Any source for the steak? Black pepper for me.