

椎心 双语例句

1. 椎心的反义词

1. 上校在一次卫护荣誉的决斗中杀了人,正为椎心的悔恨所苦。他带上了所有必需品,举家迁徙,只求能够远离痛苦的回忆,重建一种不同的过去。
    The colonel, 'pursued by sinister remorse for having killed a man in an affair of honor, brought everything necessary for recreating the past as far away as possible from his bad memories.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 这个丧偶男人的情感写照:他无法前行,又只能停在原地悲伤的回忆过往,他对妻子的思念与不解,引你的逻辑随着主角一步一步走向事情的真相,便会感到一种椎心的痛楚。
    This emotion of man bereft of one's spouse portraiture: He has no way to move forward, can only stop coming and going in sorrowful memory of in situ, his missing to wife and inseparable, attract your logic with step-by-step make for of leading role truth of the matter, just anguish that can feel one kind of the vertebra heart.

3. 这难道不是一桩让人椎心顿足的交易吗?
    That trade is worth dwelling on for a beat.

4. 椎心

4. 电脑被二○二四宣言束缚,文祥则被电脑的命令困住了,分明事先可以轻易解决的,偏偏要到错误铸成后,这才椎心泣血,悔不当初。
    The computer was restricted by the 2024 Declaration and Wen Xiang was trapped by the computer`s order.

5. 椎心

5. 这个乌烟瘴气的行列就像这样行进着,有人喝啤酒,有人抽烟斗,有人哇哇地唱,还有人没完没了地装出椎心泣血的样子。
    Thus, with beer-drinking, pipe-smoking, song-roaring, and infinite caricaturing of woe, the disorderly procession went its way, recruiting at every step, and all the shops shutting up before it.

6. 撕裂心肠是一种内心深度的转变、椎心的痛悔,这完全是圣灵的工作,也是个人灵里的实际经验。
    It is not a matter to be merely talked of and believed in, but keenly and sensitively felt in every living child of the living God.

7. 别再打电话给他!一个你爱的人抛弃了你,那会是一种椎心之痛!
    Why Not Call that Man?

8. 随着她渐渐长大,她慢慢从深层次,懂得了那个椎心的悲剧的涵义。
    When she grown up, she gradually understood more intensively this heart-tearing tragedy from its core level...

9. 那样想是和椎心刺骨一样苦楚创痛的
    This was as painful and as poignant as an incision in the living flesh.

10. 椎心的翻译

10. 当女人把对男人的肯定除去时,这对男人而言是种椎心的痛苦。
    A woman withdrawing that approval is particularly painful to a man. Women are generally oblivious of how they pull away their approval.

11. 椎心的反义词

11. 中国人家破人亡,妻离子散的椎心之痛,绝对比朝鲜人被日本人统治时所造成的伤害有过之而无不及。
      It incurred enormous sorrow that is absolutely heavier than what Korean has experienced.

12. 椎心

12. 那是一种椎心刺骨的伤痛,是一种痛彻心肺的哀绝,那是一种说不出来的心结纠缠。
      It is the record of sharpest sorrows and the prophecy of direst ills. An abyss of misery yawns in that word forsaken.

13. 《英雄挽歌》是1979年诺贝尔文学奖获得者埃利蒂斯的椎心之作。
      Hero Elegy is the elaborate work by 1979's Nobel Prive winner & Euitis.
