

棺柩[ɡuān jiù]


棺柩 双语例句

1. 棺柩的解释

1. 他在棺柩被安放在一个深的墓穴中。
    His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave.

2. 看那,如今棺柩置于我前,死亡临于我面。
    Here the coffin lies before me, and here death confronts me.

3. 姐妹们身着丧服站在死去兄弟们的棺柩旁。
    The sisters stood in garments of mourning over the biers of their dead brothers.

4. 基于对维护棺柩以及保持安宁的渴望,他们也乐意对本地的要塞提供长久的军事援助。
    Desiring protection for their coffins and some peace and quiet, they are willing to ensure that the local garrison is always supplied with a few extra troops.

5. 这座城镇位于银色城邦不远处,魔法师将对珠宝的热爱带到了木乃伊和棺柩的华丽装饰上。
    The town is located not far the Silver Cities, whose passion for jewelry includes richly adorned mummies and coffins.

6. 几十艘平底船参加了葬礼游行队伍,为首的粉红色船只载有盖满鲜花的棺柩
    Dozens of gondolas took part in the stage funeral procession led by a pink one, carring a coffin covered in flowers.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 棺柩放置在伦敦北部葬礼承办总部的标准灵车中,上面披着英国国旗。
    It began with her coffin being placed into a standard hearse at a funeral directors headquarters in North London and draped in a Union Jack.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 孕妇不能观看人家丧葬行列或自家棺柩封钉及入土仪式。
    A pregnant woman can not see a funeral procession, the closing of a coffin lid, or a burial procedure.

9. 棺柩在线翻译

9. 我磕磕碰碰地穿行在经木头和天鹅绒刨光的棺柩,感觉像是触动了机关,跌入了爱伦·坡的小说中。
    I stumbled past the boxes of polished wood and velvet, feeling like I had fallen through a trap door into an Edgar Allen Poe story.

10. 棺柩

10. 但是这段用时30分钟穿过伦敦街道运送棺柩的过程仅是撒切尔夫人葬礼的序曲,她将回到她成名的战场威斯敏斯特宫。
    But the 30 minutes it took to transport her coffin across London was a prelude to Lady Thatchers last stand her return to the Palace of Westminster, the battleground where she made her name.
