1. 事实上,我从事的工作以及日本国际行为艺术节都对中国行为艺术产生了一定影响,而且我曾到过中国、香港和台湾参与多个活动,与各地艺术工作者很熟络,所以我认为,我有责任为中国行为艺术的持续发展略尽棉力。
I felt a bit some kind of responsibility on high development of performance art in China, because my activity and the existence of NIPAF gave surely influence on it.
2. 我们是住在一个充满悲惨和无知的世界。我们人人所有的明显的义务,就是要为个人的棉力所能有的影响,尽量使这个小角落,没有我们到来以前那样的悲惨,那样的无知。
We are live in a world which is full of misery and ignorance, and the plain duty of each and all of us is to try make the little corner he can influence somewhat less miserable and somewhat less ignorant than it before he enter it.
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3. 我虽然无法替Meow完成她的心愿(她在澳门时曾说过有天离去后要把骨灰撤在海中,因她非常喜欢看海)但我仍想尽一点棉力---我把介指带到澳门,用尽全力把它扔进黑沙湾的海水裹。
Although I could not fulfill Meow`s wish (when she was in Macau, she once said that she would like her ash to be spread into the ocean, as she really liked watching the ocean), but I still wanted to do something for her --- I brought the ring to Macau and with all my strength I threw it into the sea water at Areia Preta.