

梵书[fàn shū]




梵书 网络解释

1. Brahmanas:他们在用来阐释<<吠陀经>>(Vedas)和指导宗教仪式的一些散文手册<<梵书>>(Brahmanas)中,提出了自己的要求. 这些要求常常是不成熟的思索与支持祭士种种权利的精明方案相结合的产物. 在一个较世俗的水平上,

2. Brahmana:<<婆罗门之书>>又分为三部分:1.<<梵书>>(Brahmana2.<<森林书>>(Aranyakas3.<<奥义书>>(Upanishads). <<梵书>>说的是祭典方法;<<森林书>>描述礼拜上天和灵性修持的各种不同方法;<<奥义书>>则揭示如何摧毁我们个体灵魂的无明,

梵书 双语例句

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1. 但是,为了繁荣的世界,他造成了梵书的刹帝利的Vaisya ,并著手桃一点从他的嘴里,他的手臂,他的大腿,他的脚。
    But for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds he caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs, and his feet.

2. 斜月尚明,有老人倚布囊,坐于阶上,向月检书。固步觇之,不识其字,既非虫篆八分科斗之势,又非梵书因问曰:老父所寻者何书?
    Solid step Chan, not the word, neither worm Zhuan eight branch, and the bucket brahmana due to ask yue: father who seek what book is less intense Labour, solid, since the word refers to the west countries.

3. 梵书

3. 头两章的梵书讨论的牺牲和其他形式的崇拜。
    The first two chapters of the Brahmana discuss sacrifices and other forms of worship.

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4. 如梵书源自的嘴里,因为他是第一个出生的,当他拥有吠陀,他是上帝的权利的整个创作。
    As the Brahmana sprang from mouth, as he was the first born, and as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.

5. 梵书

5. 梵书又分成两部分:一部分是典礼的解说;另一部分是哲学体系。
    The Brahmana again has two portions, one interpreting ritual and the other the philosophy.
