

梦话[mèng huà ]






词典words uttered in one's sleep梦话。

梦话 汉英大词典

梦话[mèng huà]

(睡梦中说的话) words uttered in one's sleep; somniloquy:


    I heard you talk in your sleep last night.

梦话 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 大前天夜里,喝酒,回来时候凌晨一点半,几乎所有人都在被窝里酣眠,我甚至听见了不少人的梦话
    It was 1:30 in the wee hours when I found myself on my way home.

2. 你在说梦话
    You're talking in your sleep.

3. 他在说梦话而且在床上不安地辗转反侧着。
    He was talking in his sleep and moving uneasily on the bed.

4. 磨牙可能是遗传,不防事;说梦话有可能是因吃饭不好造成的营养上的问题。
    Molar may be genetic, not anti-business; said daydream may be caused by eating bad nutrition problems.

5. 一进到船里,催促船夫赶快驶向断桥,赶上盛大的集会。因为缘故,在二更之前,众人的吵嚷声,器乐的合奏声,好像水在沸腾,如有巨物震撼,又好像有人在梦中惊叫和说梦话一般,还好像聋子大声说话和哑巴张口乱叫似的。
    The moment they get into a boat, they tell the boatman to hurry and row across to the Tuanchiao area, and get lost in the crowd, therefore in that area before the second watch the place is filled with noise and music bands in a weird, boiling confusion, like a roaring sea or a landside, or a nightmare, or like Bedlam let loose, with all the people in it rendered deaf and dumb for the moment.

6. 梦话什么意思

6. 那是什么梦话
    What is that, sleep-talking?

7. 一名英国女子在博客上记录丈夫亚当的梦话,走红网络。
    A woman from the UK who records her sleep-talking husband's pillow talk for a blog has become an Internet hit.

8. 我的天啊,我以为你说梦话
    I thought you were in your dream.

9. 梦话的近义词

9. 他对我说:你在说梦话
    Why do you talk in your sleep?

10. 我想我在睡觉时也说梦话
    I suppose I talk in my sleep as well.

11. 我听见你晚上说梦话了。
      I heard you talk in your sleep.

12. 梦话的解释

12. 你是在说梦话小女孩
      In your dreams, little girl.

13. 梦话是什么意思

13. 如果你希望你的太太在你说话的时候全神贯注地听你讲,那么说梦话吧。
      Attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep.

14. 据Jens说,我搬到慕尼黑后一次说梦话,说的是居然是这句德语顺口溜,把他给乐坏了。
      I felt quite odd to be there with them and I certainly didn't imagine my life would converge in any way with theirs...

15. 梦话什么意思

15. 一些毫无修饰,毫无意义的文字,就像梦话,会偷偷背叛人。
      Behind the mountains, is rising sky, extending as far as you can imagine.

16. 梦话在线翻译

16. 他不再说梦话。他的声音已经和这轰鸣的巨川的吼声溶在一起,他觉得自己的身体也和这桦皮舟一块化成了一个大浪。
      He spoke no more in his sleep His voice had already melted into the roaring of the great river, and it seemed his body, along with the birchbark canoe, had become an enormous wave.

17. 梦话没有影响,但情绪波动,可能会导致睡眠不好,影响他们的日常生活。
      Somniloquy no effect, but the mood swings can cause poor sleep, affecting their daily lives.

18. 你不怕爷爷说梦话吗?
      Are you not afraid grandpa will utter somniloquy?

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. 最后我不得承认我是文人,中国古代文人大多失意,归隐,我也需要自己是个文人,我想我现在在说梦话,其实我在清醒不过了。
      Finally, I shall admit that I, the ancient Chinese literati mostly down, and the withdrawal of the literati, I also need their own is a scholar, I think I am now in somniloquy, in fact, I'm awake.

20. 梦话的翻译

20. 洗完澡后,它便用力甩干身上的水,然后跳到沙发上安适地睡觉,还不时发出唔唔的声音,也许是它在说梦话吧!
      After the bath, it will force drying the body of water, and then jump on the sofa comfort to sleep, from time to time issued by Wu Wu sound, perhaps it somniloquy bar!
