




桠枝 双语例句

1. 桠枝的解释

1. 当我见到牠来了,我就爬近蛋去,因此在我面前是一只鸟的脚,叫大得像一只树的桠枝
    I tied myself strongly to it with my turban, in hopes that the roc next morning would carry me with her out of this desert isiand.

2. 小鸟坐在相隔一枝的桠枝上,长生草在桌子下面生长,黑莓的藤攀住了桌子脚;松实,栗子和草莓叶子到处落满。
    A bird sits on the next bough, life-everlasting grows under the table, and blackberry vines run round its legs; pine cones, chestnut burs, and strawberry leaves are strewn about.

3. 在一片低矮的小树丛下发现了他的旧帽子,那是被桠枝勾住的。
    His old hat was discovered lying under some low-growing saplings the twigs of which had held it back.

4. 苹果嵌在树的桠枝
    The apple has lodged in the crotch of the tree.

5. 这样,各地的教会就其为使徒所建立的教会的桠枝,都被视为是传自使徒的。
    They therefore qualify as apostolic churches by being the offspring of churches that are apostolic.

6. 桠枝

6. 树木都有充分的余地在水边扩展,每一棵树都向了这个方向伸出最强有力的桠枝
    The trees have ample room to expand on the water side, and each sends forth its most vigorous branch in that direction.

7. 桠枝是什么意思

7. 边门两旁,是两株瘦小的苹果树那多节的桠枝
    The area AND number of trees in the reforestation shall not be smaller than those cut.

8. 桠枝的近义词

8. 红色的松鼠,从最近的桠枝上溜下来,和我特别亲热,也特别好奇。
    The red squirrel, coursing down the nearest bough, was particularly familiar and inquisitive.

9. 边门两旁,是两株瘦小的苹果树那多节的桠枝
    Two stunted apple trees raised their gnarled and knotty branches on either side of the wicket gate.

10. 是啊,每一树叶、桠枝、石子和蜘蛛网在下午茶时又在发光,跟它们在春天的早晨承露以后一样。
    Ay, every leaf and twig and stone and cobweb sparkles now at mid-afternoon as when covered with dew in a spring morning.
