1. 核理
1. 中缝大核和蓝斑核理置不透钢插管后,不影响胃运动,电针对胃运动的抑制效应亦不受影响。
The implantation of minitube into NRM and LC exert no influence on gastric motility and the depression against the stomach is not rendered by electric needle.
2. 公司主要产品:民用除湿机、工业除湿机、恒温恒湿机、调温除湿机、防爆除湿机、洁净单元空调等空气调节设备,广泛用于核理、电子、医药、食品、印刷、微生物制品、银行金库、人防工程、国防工程、烟草、档案馆、图书馆等行业。
Company main products: civil dehumidifier, industrial dehumidifiers, constant temperature and humidity machine, thermostat dehumidifiers, dehumidifiers proof, clean air-conditioning unit air conditioning and other equipment, are widely used in nuclear rationale, electronics, medicine, food, printing, microbial products, bank treasury, civil air defense projects, defense engineering, tobacco, archives, libraries and other industries.
3. 根据经典的形核理论及脉冲电流对凝固组织的作用机理,从电磁场理论出发研究了脉冲电流作用下晶粒细化的作用机制。
According to classical solidification theory and the mechanism of solidification microstructure under pulse current, the effect of super-cooling degree variation on nucleation rate was discussed.