


词典build a good foundation for something树本。

树本 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 如果被给予了更多的注意力,这些树本可以长得很好。
    Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 如果给予更多的关注,那些树本可以长得更好。
    Given move attention, the trees could have grown better.

3. 树本

3. 有些投入,比如植下的树本和待陈的萄葡酒发生在一个时点,而它们的产出则在以后很久的时点才发生。
    One point in time and produce their outputs at a considerably later point in time.

4. 20041201哈夫曼树本程序是一个实现哈夫曼树的程序!
    Huffman tree this program is a realization of the procedure Huffman tree!

5. 不经多次风吹,树本难固枝荣。
    No tree become rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assail it.

6. 树本

6. 不经多次风吹,树本难固枝荣。
    No tree becomes rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assail it.

7. 全唐诗》是清朝康熙时,彭定求、沈三曾、杨中讷、潘从律、徐树本、车鼎晋、汪绎、查嗣栗、俞梅等人奉敕编纂,於康熙四十四年(1705)三月始编,次年十月成书,不足两年而成此书,由曹寅负责刊刻事宜。
    Poetry throughout Tang Dynasty was compiled by Peng Dingqiu, Shen Sanceng, Yang Zhongna, Pan Conglu, Xu Shuben, Che Dingjin, Wang Yi, Zha Sili, Yu Mei and other people under the imperial order of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. The work started from 1705and finished in October next year which lasted less than two years and the work of printing and publishing was in the charge of Cao Yin.
