

Building materials;
栋材 双语例句

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1. 本计划由联合书院郑栋材博士纪念基金资助。
    This award programme is funded by the United College T C Cheng Memorial Fund.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 在联合书院郑栋材楼外的草地可看见这颗细叶榕。
    This small fruit fig tree is planted at the grassland outside T C Cheng Building at United College.

3. 栋材

3. 联合书院2009年周年研讨会定於3月6日上午10时至下午1时正假书院郑栋材楼C1讲室举行。
    The 2009 Annual Workshop of United College will be held on Friday, 6 March 2009 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the C1 Lecture Theatre of T C Cheng Building, United College.?

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4. 联合书院2009周年研讨会已定於3月6日上午10时假联合书院郑栋材楼C1讲室举行,近一百五十位师生、校友及嘉宾出席,参加者反应热烈,并与讲者交流意见。
    T C Cheng Building, United College.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 联合书院2009年周年研讨会已定於3月6日上午十时假联合书院郑栋材楼C1讲室举行。
    The 2009 Annual Workshop of United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong will be held on Friday, 6 March 2009 at 10:00 am at the C1 Lecture Theatre of T C Cheng Building, United College.

6. 栋材

6. 这里遍布着云杉、冷杉、园柚、华山松、肆萼猕猴桃、钓樟、辽东栎等优质栋材
    Here around the spruce, fir, Park grapefruit, pine, and widespread Porella Kiwi, Lindera, such as high-quality oak wood buildings.

7. 回首前十届获奖的参赛者,如今都已超过八十高龄,且部分已经不在;如陈春德、张锡卿、陈毓卿、吕基正、许深洲、叶大城、李秋禾、吴栋材、黄鸥波、温长顺、王水金、萧如松、林天瑞、杨英风、张启华、李泽藩、金润作等;犹健在者,均被尊为画坛德高望众的前辈,如陈慧坤、郑世璠、张义雄、王水河、廖德政、许武勇、蔡草如、刘国东、陈英杰、林显模、李克全、詹浮云等,也是台湾战后十数年间推展美术的主力。
    It sufficiently and mutually shins upon all destinies of hundred years old Taiwan.
