





柏林战役 双语例句

1. 最为重要的是,人们永远不会忘记在柏林战役中取得的无比伟大而崇高的胜利。
    And, most significantly, people will never forget the Great and Noble Victory in the Battle of Berlin.

2. 这一天是1945年5月2日,这宣告着柏林战役已经以红军的胜利而告结束。
    It was May 2, 1945, when the complete victory in the battle for Berlin had been announced.

3. 在柏林战役结束的时候,你就能看到街道上哪里有苏军部队,哪里就有野战炊事车。
    As soon as the battle for Berlin came to the end, you could see many Soviet field-kitchens in the streets, where Red Army detachments were located.

4. 类似康德在18世纪下半叶在哥尼斯堡大学任教和费希特在耶拿战役之后在柏林大学任教的那种形式,从此在法国成为可能和正常的了。
    Similar to Kant's second half of the 18th century teaches at the University of Konigsberg, and Fichte at Jena University of Berlin after the Battle of the kind of form of teaching since then in France as a possible and normal.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 有6个剧本,战斗会同时进行-在英国,斯大林格勒,阿登,柏林战役,西西里和科尔孙'代表的主要空中第二次世界大战在欧洲的战役。
    There are six theatres of war to engage in – The Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, Ardennes, Berlin, Sicily and Korsun'representing the main airborne battles of World War II in Europe.

6. 二战末,在德国柏林附近的希娄战役中,数千名丧生的前苏联红军和德国纳粹士兵的遗骸一直未找到。如今,在二战结束60年后,近2000具士兵尸体残骸被发现。
    The remains of thousands of Soviet and German soldiers killed in a climactic World War II battle outside Berlin are still being unearthed and identified 60 years after the fighting ended.

7. 格里高利·阿巴托夫是柏林战役期间红军步兵连长。
    Gregori Arbatov was a rifle company commander in the Red Army in the Battle of Berlin.

8. 您是怎么经历柏林战役的?
    Was haben Sie von der Schlacht um Berlin mitbekommen?

9. 柏林战役

9. 我们铭记格奥尔基-康斯坦丁诺维奇-朱可夫元帅。莫斯科战役、列宁格勒战役、斯大林格勒战役和柏林战役的指挥者。
    We remember Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, commander for the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Leningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Berlin.
