

枯朽[kū xiǔ]


词典withered and rotten枯朽。

枯朽 汉英大词典

枯朽[kū xiǔ]

withered and rotten

枯朽 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 热带雨林的地面上,到处可见枯朽的老树。
    Leg wrappings are necessary when venturing into tropical rainforest.

2. 他们曾一起在昏暗的林荫道上走来走去,现在他们走到菩提幽径另一头,靠近落尽叶子的灌木丛了——灌木丛中便是那倾圮的老井,大片纠缠在一起的、多刺的下层植物,掩盖着它那无人注意的枯朽
    A winding pathway, neglected and half-choked with weeds, led towards this well.

3. 枯朽什么意思

3. 啊,谁能把我从这枯朽将逝的躯壳中拯救出来?
    Oh, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

4. 在同样的邻里之间,在同样的房子里枯朽
    In the same neighborhoods, turn gray in these same houses.

5. 其中一根树枝已经枯朽断落。
    One of the branches has rotted off.

6. 枯朽的反义词

6. 其中一根树枝已经枯朽断落。
    One of the branch es has rotted off.

7. 热带雨林的地面上,到处可见枯朽的老树。
    Dry and decayed old trees can be seen everywhere in a tropical rain forest.

8. 枯朽

8. 这是一间不通风的小屋子,里面堆了一些枯朽的木材。
    This is an airless cottage, and? withered woods were piled inside.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 生命就不会枯朽&祝福你,我的朋友。
    Please accent my blessings, my friend.

10. 枯朽的翻译

10. 其中一根树枝已经枯朽断落。
    One of the branches has rot ted off.
