1. 枝叶扶苏
1. 万目攒视,见有勾萌出,渐大;俄成树,枝叶扶苏;倏而花,倏而实,硕大芳馥,累累满树。
He began to dig in the ground a hole two or three inches deep, put the core in it and then covered it with earth.
2. 作者通过对树的赞美来讴歌造物的神奇。小树自得天机自长成,于不经意中已经使得诗人的才情在大自然的佳作前自叹弗如。想来,我永远找不到一首诗像树一样美妙。树的饥饿双唇紧偎大地把甜美的乳汁尽情吮吸。树整天仰望着上帝,祈祷时,举起枝叶扶苏的双臂。夏天,树还会把知更雀的小巢 Page 3 of 21 戴在自己发梢。雪花在树的怀抱里冬眠,树和雨露更是亲密无间。
Trees Page 2 of 21 By Joyce Kilmer I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree; A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; Anest that may in Smmer wear Anest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosow has lain, Who intimately lives with rain.